#acl ibmpackagesTeamACL:read,write,revert,delete All:read <> = LTS = == 14.04.3 Early Release == It is possible to install the preview version of 14.04.3 in your system, even before it is GA. You can do that to start playing with a more recent kernel, 3.19 in this case. In order to do so, you can just install the following packages in your current 14.04.2 installation: {{{ # apt-get update # apt-get install linux-image-3.19.0-18-generic linux-image-extra-3.19.0-18-generic # reboot }}} After that, you should have 3.19 kernel installed, as shown: {{{ $ uname -r 3.19.0-18-generic }}} = Standard Release = == Early 15.10 == Wily Werewolf (15.10) release started to ship daily images. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/wily-server-ppc64el.iso