#acl ibmpackagesTeamACL:read,write,revert,delete All:read <> = Creating a PPA for ppc64el = Launchpad's PPA [[http://blog.launchpad.net/ppa/ppas-for-ppc64el|can now host ppc64el packages]]. <
> Most of what is described in this page is an excerpt from the [[https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA|Packaging/PPA Help page]], since the steps for creating a PPA is mostly the same for all architectures. = Activate the PPA archive = Before being able to upload a package to a PPA, one must have a launchpad account. <
> Once the above is checked, simply go to your or your team's profile page and activate the PPA. Do not forget to select the ppc64el architecture so it will build the packages properly. = Build = The package must be built with no errors so PPA can build it and make it available. Also, please, take into account the information at https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading. <
> Include your entry into debian/changes. If you use ''dch'', do it with the option -l and a string "ppa''n''", where ''n'' is your package's revision number. <
> Like so: {{{#!highlight sh dch -lppa1 }}} <
> There is a clarification on this point at https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage#Versioning. Attention to the distroseries in the header as it must be a valid distroseries string. Eg: trusty, vivid, wily etc. Finally, the upload will not be successful if you try and upload the source and "binary" at once, ie mixed, packages. So, make sure the package can be built. Then, after that, just run a debuild -S, so it only generates the .dsc and .changes from the source files. It might be worth mentioning that, when running ''debuild -S'', it will generate a ''*_source.changes'' file, which will be easier to identify for the upload step. = Sign = Be aware that you should have an OpenPGP key pair so you can sign the package as it is built. <
> Also the same key must have been sent to launchpad beforehand in order for it to validate the package. <
> That involves 2 steps: * Submit public key to http://keyserver.ubuntu.com * Send fingerprint to launchpad For more information about keysigning, refer to https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey '''Attention''': Your name and e-mail address, in your debian/changelog entry, must be exactly the same as the one in your OpenPGP key. Otherwise, the package will NOT be signed. = Upload = Currently, the most straightforward option is to use dput. <
> If you created a PPA called myppa within the userid johndoe, then you must send it to that ppa, as in: {{{#!highlight sh dput ppa:johndoe/myppa my_package_1.0-1ppa1_source.changes }}} <
> Soon after the upload, you will receive an e-mail with the outcome of your upload, either if it was Rejected or Accepted. In case it was rejected, the justification will be in the body of the e-mail.