
pypkg is a tool which facilitates the development and maintenance of debian packages

Initial Ideas:

  • List the key steps in creating Debian packages
  • List which steps which will be implemented
  • How will be the
    • command-line
    • pygtk
  • create a frontend with the archives and the directory <pkg_name-version>/debian

  • bzr to manage the <pkg_name-version>/debian

  • integration with meld to generate packages
  • edit source code and edit
  • run lintian/linda on the packet
  • show what is happening in the application (in a similar way to update-manager)
  • automatic dependency generation -- look for dependencies in the source code
  • copyright inferred from the heads of the source files
  • configuration archive in ~/.pypkg

Command Line Functionality:

* pypkg-admin <startproject> <name_of_project>

  • Create a base dir name_of_project/.dsc .orig .tar.gz and etc;
  • Create and scheme debian;
  • Look for dependencies

* pypkg-admin <conf> <--flag> <property> <value>

  • Ex: pkg-admin config --meta author Name_of_Devel

    Ex: pkg-admin config --meta email and etc. Configuration archive ~/.pypkg front end on dh-make

pypkg (last edited 2008-10-26 03:22:39 by 201-75-61-10-ma)