=== ABOUT ME === I am not a techie, only a simple Linux user who enjoys sharing my limited knowledge of Ubuntu and FOSS with others. All of my computer experience came after I retired from a career in the United States Army. Like many people I was introduced to the computer world via Microsoft Windows. A complete stranger handed me a disk with Ubuntu 6.06 on it and I was intrigued. By the release of Hardy Heron, 8.04, I was a Microsoft free Ubuntu user. I continued to use Ubuntu until I switched to Lubuntu in 2010 (10.10) before Lubuntu was even recognized as an official “flavor”. It became my Operating System of choice. In 2020 I switched Ubuntu versions to Xubuntu Although retired, I stay active by participating in state-wide and local Linux groups as well as contribute to several forums. === CONTACT INFORMATION === * Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~rexbouwense * Forum profile: http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=767164 * LXDE forum profile: http://forum.lxde.org/ucp.php?i=163 * Ask Ubuntu profile: http://askubuntu.com/users/258563/rex?tab=profile === CONTRIBUTIONS === * Member/contributor Launchpad since 30 August 2008 * Contributor Ubuntu forums since 10 February 2009. * My main interest in the Ubuntu forums is New To Ubuntu because I remember when I first installed Ubuntu and occasionally became frustrated when I could not do something. I respond to those when I have the knowledge or can obtain an answer through research either in the forums or outside sources such as other forums, wiki pages, or help pages from other OS. * I have also made contributions in Desktop Environments, General Help, and Installation and Upgrades. * My participation in the forums may not be as involved as some of the members but I do spend time daily reading the threads in anticipation of providing assistance. * It is important to me that all threads are taken seriously and an honest attempt should be made to provide the original poster with a solution to the question raised or as a minimum a direction that can be taken to obtain that solution. My posts strive to achieve that goal. * Contributor/global moderator/administrator LXDE forum since 27 August 2011. * Contributor to Ask Ubuntu since March 2014. * Member/administrator Ubuntu Arizona Local Community Team since 29 March 2014 http://azloco.org/ * Chaired semi-monthly AZLOCO Team IRC meetings * Maintain Arizona LUG and Linux Special Interest Group points of contact for AZLOCO * Provided assistance to the Ubuntu New Mexico Local Community in attempt to re-energize their Team. * Maintain the AZLOCO http://www.azloco.org/node/28 and LUG http://www.azloco.org/node/225 calendars for the AZLOCO web site * Assist in maintaining/editing the AZLOCO web site http://www.azloco.org/ and the AZLOCO Ubuntu wiki pages https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam * Responsible individual for submitting monthly reports to the Ubuntu Local Community Council. * Responsible for organizing and running the monthly Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour for 9 years. (113 consecutive months since July 2014) * Participated in two Global Jams (Ubuntu 15.04 and 15.10) * Participates in the semi-monthly AZLOCO/PLUG installation-festival. * Participated in updating the documentation for the re-validation of the AZLOCO Team (September 2015, December 2017, November 2019, and December 2021) * Responsible individual for maintaining the Team upcoming events. https://www.azloco.org/az-team-calendar/ * Co-founder/member Cochise Linux User Group (Cochise County, Arizona) since 20 August 2015 https://cochiselinuxusergroup.org * Responsible for planning and conducting monthly meetings. * Responsible for maintaining the Group mailing list * Responsible for scheduling presentations for the Group. * Responsible for liaising with the Sierra Vista public library, local Sierra Vista restaurants, or the Warrior Healing Center (where we current meet) to obtain space where we can conduct our monthly meetings. * Gave presentations on "Introduction to Linux" (Sierra Vista, AZ 2015, Kingman, AZ 2016, Sunsites, AZ 2018, and again in Sierra Vista, AZ 2019). * Gave a presentation on "Why You Should Switch Your Computer Operating System to Linux" (Sierra Vista, AZ 2019). * Spend 2-3 hours a day in Ubuntu or LUG related IRC channels * Conducted a series of classes for individuals new to Linux and Ubuntu on the Ubuntu operating system (January 2023). === FUTURE GOALS === * Continue to make contributions to my forums. * Present a positive leadership role model in both the Ubuntu Arizona Local Community and the Cochise Linux User Group. * Actively spread the recognition and use of Ubuntu in my local community and state-wide through the use of information booths and participation in community events. * Develop a standard Linux presentation to be given to high school/middle school computer clubs in the state in general and Cochise County Arizona in particular to arouse their interest in a Linux Operating System for their personal computers. Our future depends upon youth. * Continue to follow the Ubuntu Code of Conduct === TESTIMONIALS === While Rex has been contributing to the community for many years, I met him about three years ago. Since joining AzLoCO he started with a single Ubuntu hour and grown it to large local linux community in southern AZ and also taken over our team day to day management from web to wikis and reports and seems to be on IRC 24/7 helping and answering questions. He often drives across to promote Ubuntu and attend events picking up attendees along the way. and most recently started plans for Ubucon or simular event next year. He is the best of the best of what anyone could want to represent Ubuntu Todd Cole https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ToddCole https://launchpad.net/~tcole3737 toddc@azloco.com Rex is a regular and valuable ubuntuforums contributor, I wholeheartedly support his Ubuntu Membership via forums contribution application. [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=171805|bapoumba]] - Ubuntu Forums admin.