About me
My name is Ricardo Jorge, I'm from Rio de Janeiro / RJ, technical and industrial chemist, too, diagram publications printed, such as newspapers, newsletters, etc., besides some consulting on information technology to friends.
I was fascinated by computers since I was presented in lectures in the 2nd Degree in chemistry at a technical CP-500. Today only, Ubuntu and use their software free, since 2006, starting in version 6.10. And fortunately, I can say that Linux Ubuntu serves me very well. Even in desktop publishing, with: Gimp Inkscape, Scribus, etc..
From 2010, I started to contribute to the Ubuntu Documentation Team Brazil.
Ubuntu User #11469 / Linux Registred User #440843
Online adress
My blog: Informe Aberto
- e-mail / gtalk / msn: rjbgbo at gmail dot com
- chat.us.freenode.net: ricardojorge
Fórum Ubuntu Linux - PT, nickname: rjbgbo
Channel Official Ubuntu Brazil (#ubuntu-br), network FreeNode
Ubuntu Brainstorm, user id: 7485, which support some favorite ideas