I, Scarlett Moore, apply for upload rights for package(s) in Universe and Multiverse>. '''Name''' Scarlett Moore '''Launchpad Page''' https://launchpad.net/~scarlettmoore '''Wiki Page''' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/scarlettmoore '''I am applying because:''' I'd like to eliminate delays in getting my work sponsored. I'd like to reduce the burden on my sponsors. '''Who I am''' I have been a Linux user/administrator since 1998 and I am very passionate about my work. I have been helping with Kubuntu since about 2011, mostly packaging, but recently as lead developer I have expanded my contributions to FFe's, SRU's, transitions, bug triage, release cycles and so much more. I am also a Debian Developer, with experience in of course packaging, but also reproducible builds and the LTS security updates. '''My Ubuntu story''' As mentioned I have been a Kubuntu contributor / developer since 2011 and would like to expand my horizons. I have recently become the Kubuntu lead developer. I have extensive experience with the KDE packageset. I am also the KDE snap extraordinaire, with maintaining over 200 KDE snaps and the kde-neon(6) extension in snapcraft. '''My involvement''' My 'proud' moment was the release of Kubuntu 24.04 LTS. Most of my involvement includes packaging and maintaining the Qt/KDE packageset and it's dependencies. I am also heading up the bug squashing and triage of all Kubuntu related bugs. I engage in various communities (eg: reddit, matrix etc.) working with users to see what is working and what isn't, to make Kubuntu as good as it can be. '''Areas of work''' I did 'bug triage' For all plasma packages: [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-desktop/+bug/2053125|Plasma Bugs]] I did all the apparmor profiles for KDE applications in the mega userns bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bubblewrap/+bug/2046844 I have gone through several QT transitions and fixed issues that showed up in [[https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html]] ''SRU's:'' [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/merkuro/+bug/2063936|2063936: merkuro Missing runtime qml dependency.]] [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-workspace/+bug/1629543|1629543: plasma-workspace Outdated and incorrect config file option.]] [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/noble/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/2065465|2065465: kubuntu-meta Outdated and incorrect package shipped for libappindicator.]] [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/noble/+source/akregator/+bug/2065915|2065915: Mega SRU to add architectures other than amd for the apparmor profiles until @multiarch is supported.]] [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/noble/+source/sddm/+bug/2066275|2066275: sddm Black screen on second boot.]] ''FFe's'' [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-kde/+bug/1547571]] [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kio/+bug/1371211]] [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/+bug/2056061]] [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libkgapi/+bug/1547548]] '''General''' ''What I like least in Ubuntu'' The bugtracker is not very friendly in regards to tracking and searching for a given packageset of bugs. ''Comments'' If you'd like to comment, but are not the applicant or a sponsor, do it here. Don't forget to sign with -- [[LaunchpadHome:scarlettmoore]] <>. ''Endorsements'' As a sponsor, just copy the template below, fill it out and add it to this section. TEMPLATE == == === General feedback === ## Please fill us in on your shared experience. (How many packages did you sponsor? How would you judge the quality? How would you describe the improvements? Do you trust the applicant?) === Specific Experiences of working together === ''Please add good examples of your work together, but also cases that could have handled better.'' ## Full list of sponsored packages can be generated here: ## https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi === Areas of Improvement ===