||<>|| || {{http://gravatar.com/avatar/60e000910231594618c26924e038a251?s=150}} || Hi, <
>I'm a 23 years old student, from Cluj-Napoca, one of the core [[http://ubuntu.ro|Ubuntu Romanian LoCo]] members (since 2007), initiator of [[http://ubuntu-md.org|Ubuntu Moldova LoCo]] (~2009), and a passionate Free Software activist.|| == Contact == || E-Mail || stas at nerd.ro ''or'' stas at ubuntu.ro || || IRC || stas (#ubuntu-website #ubuntu-ro) || || Launchpad || [[https://launchpad.net/~sushkov|Stas Sușcov]] || == Past and current activities == My contributions in Ubuntu community are oriented mainly on web development be those local or upstream. === In Ubuntu-ro LoCo I === * respond for servers and all the web projects and services * do support on mailing list and forums, help and organize release parties * do presentations and travel in Moldova and Romania to promote Ubuntu both as a community and software platform * do localization and contribute artwork === In Ubuntu-md LoCo I === * was the initiator of the project * did presentations and release party * did all the web related tasks === For Ubuntu upstream I === * contributed to several [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website|ubuntu-website]] projects like * [[http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/04/ubuntu-10-04-countdown-banner-for-facebook/|ubuntu-facebook-countdown]], featured on planet Ubuntu and OMG!Ubuntu * redesigned planet.ubuntu.com (was [[http://planet.ubuntu.ro/|like ours]]), untill rhlee took over the initiative :) * other web stuff, mostly helped when I could, received membership and review privileges for some branches * initiated and maintain [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/light-wordpress-theme|WordPress LoCo project]] (like drupal-loco): * initial version of loco-theme to help communities use WordPress as a CMS instead of Drupal * rewrote it once new branding came out, now it is being used by * http://www.ubuntu-news.org/ * http://uds.ubuntu.com/ * http://ubuntu-uk.org/ * ... our LoCos and other communities I didn't heard yet == Future activities == * Now I'm working on all sort of web [[https://code.launchpad.net/~sushkov|contributions]] for upstream projects and a [[http://intreaba.ubuntu.ro/|local askubuntu.com]] where our work will be available upstream. (warning, work in progress, to be released in march!). == Collaborations and people == I worked on common projects with [[https://launchpad.net/~newz|Matthew Nuzum]] and colleagues from #ubuntu-website@freenode, [[https://launchpad.net/~adiroiban|Adi Roiban]] and [[https://launchpad.net/~jani|Jani Monoses]] are other two people I closely collaborate with. Working with all these guys was a pleasure. == Testimonials == AdiRoiban : In the last 4 years Stas was one of the most active members of the Ubuntu Romanian team taking good care of our servers, web services and teams public image and relations. He dedicated endless hours to make sure our server, forum and webpage are working and can be used by our community. He is an active community member and without his work, today we would not have such an active community. I would like to thanks Stas for all his hard for done for the Romanian and Moldavian Ubuntu Teams. Cheers! JaniMonoses: Stas is among the few very active and enthusiastic Ubuntu promoters in Romania. He focuses on community and web development related tasks and does a good job. ---- Related pages: <> ---- CategoryHomepage