##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki == Tommy Alsemgeest == <
> || '''Contact Details'''|| ||{{attachment:Email.png}}||'''Email Address''' <
> talsemgeest@gmail.com||{{attachment:IRC.png}}||'''IRC Nicks''' <
> talsemgeest @ irc.freenode.net <
>|| ||{{attachment:PGP.png}}||'''Open PGP Key''' <
> [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xAD698809E3197CCBD35C439DEF3E501FC21DFBA7&op=index| C21DFBA7]]||{{attachment:IRC.png}}||'''Instant Messaging''' <
> MSN: talsemgeest@hotmail.com <
> Skype: talsemgeest_|| ||{{attachment:UF.png}}||'''Ubuntu Forums''' <
> [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=397508|talsemgeest]]||{{attachment:LP.png}}||'''Launchpad''' <
> [[http://launchpad.net/~talsemgeest|talsemgeest]]|| <
> === My contributions to Ubuntu === * Help out often on the ubuntu forums. * Member of the Unanswered posts team. * Member of the Beginners Team. * Supporter and helper with the quickstart program for ubuntu. * Member of the New Zealand loco. * Writer of the q&a section of the full circle magazine since May 2008. === Testimonials === ''No testimonials here yet. (But feel free to leave one! ;)'' I've known talsemgeest for some time now and think that he's one of the coolest guys I've met on the IRC...he's always willing to help and is there for the new users and the not so new. He's got my full support now and definitely down the road. -- [[ZachK_]] ---- CategoryHomepage