|| '''Launchpad ID''': || [[https://launchpad.net/~tolaat|~tolaat]] || || ''' ''' || || || '''Ubuntu Forums''': || [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=946350|tolaat]] || || '''IRC''': || '''tolaat''' on ''irc.freenode.net'' || || '''Email''': || tola_at@hotmail.com || == About Me == Live in Jerusalem, Israel,. Work as an Integrator (mainly c langauge ) on embedded real time environment. === Programming Ability === Learnd c && java on university. Taken some c courses on work. also have medium knowledge on Ruby. == Team Memberships == none === Goals === Short term: Gain experience in coding in general in open source community in specific. Preferred environments are linux with c/c++ as development languages including gtk/qt(?) Long term: Become proficient enough in those environments to code my own projects. == Testimonials == ## Please leave your name and comments. Thanks. ## Please leave your name and comments. Thanks. ---- CategoryHomepage