
Ubuntu Professional Institute LatinoAmerica - UPI-LA

Project / Proyecto

Este Proyecto Busca fomentar aun mas el uso y la administracion de Ubuntu al crear un servicio de aprendizaje en linea para hispano hablantes totalmente gratuito para brindar apoyo a la certificacion UCP Ubuntu Certificated Professional. este proyecto esta ne su etapa inicial. las reuniones iniciales son en #upi-la en freenode cada martes GMD-4 10:00 am.

This Project looks to further foment the use and administration of UBUNTU by creating an online learning space for all things ubuntu for spanish speakers totally free of charge and to support certification for the UCP Ubuntu Certificated Professional. this project is in its early stages. and initial meetings are held at #upi-la on freenode every tuesday GMD-4 10:00 am.

meetings are held in Spanish but English translators are at hand. just make sure you state you need language assistance. language is not a barrier.

Objetivos / Objectives

Participacion de LoCo teams en latino America

LoCo Team

Pais de Origen

Persona Contacto

Link del LoCo team



Rolando Blanco


Equipos Upi-la / Upi-la teams


upi-lat (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:20 by localhost)