#format wiki #language en || '''Full Name''': || Chaker ZAAFOURI || ||'''Launchpad ID''': || [[LaunchpadHome:zaafouri]] || || '''IRC''': || '''zaafouri''' on Freenode || || '''Email''': || <> || || '''Location''': || Tunis, Tunisia || || '''Website''': || http://www.ubuntu-tn.org || == About me == * '''Open Source Consultant & IT Security Expert''' * '''Manager & Co-Founder: [[http://www.alpha-engineering.net|ALPHA ENGINEERING - Tunisia]]''' * '''Ubuntu Member''' * '''[[http://www.aiesec.org|AIESEC]] alumnus''' * '''[[http://www.eltaller.org|ELTALLER Foundation]] Member ''' * '''[[http://www.eltaller.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=57:waha-center&catid=40:regional&Itemid=62 |Waha Center]] Volunteer GNU/Linux Tutor''' * '''[[http://www.linkedin.com/in/ChakerZAAFOURI|Curriculum Vitae]]''' == Interests == * '''Volunteerism''' * Free and Open Source Software ('''FOSS''') Movement * '''GNU/Linux''' advanced user and administrator: ''Linux user #467097'' & ''Ubuntu user #26862'' == FOSS activities == * Promote '''FOSS''' and '''GNU/Linux Ubuntu''' in Libreville '''Gabon''' (14^th^ - 16^th^ May 2009) * Presentation at [[http://tuninfo.levrai.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1050| JLL2009 CLL FST ]] : '''Open Source Business Models - Case study''' ''28/04/2009'' * Presentation at [[http://groups.google.com/group/CULLT/browse_thread/thread/84182134ad721475/0f243c2d7382661c| JLL2007 LibertySoft INSAT]] : '''Open Source Business Models''' ''09/04/2007'' * CMS Joomla Tutor at Tunis UNSECO Club ''July 2006'' : [[http://www.afkarnet.org|URL]] [[http://www.afkarnet.org/fr/images/stories/im004887.jpg |Picture]] * Advanced support for Ubuntu Tunisian community on IRC: #ubuntu-tn * Advanced support for Ubuntu Tunisian community on ML: ubuntu-tn (at) lists (dot) ubuntu (dot) com * Ubuntu-tn member: Associations & Universities Team * I'm a member-founder of the association Ubuntu-tn which will represent the LoCo Team with the Government Institution == Ubuntu Events == * '''Event ENIG 9.05''' ''National Engineering School of Gabes'' (Planned May 08^th^ & 09^th^) * Organisation Committee: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/EventENIG9.05|Abstract]] * Presentation 1: '''Open Source Business Models''' * Presentation 2: '''System Administration : Best Practices''' * Workshop 1: '''LAMP on Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS''' * Workshop 2: '''CRM (Vtiger/SugarCRM) on Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS''' * Workshop 3: '''System Monitoring on Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS''' * Workshop 4: '''GMAO (GLPI + OCSI) on Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS''' * '''Event ISETSBZ 9.04''' ''Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Sidi Bouzid'' * Organisation Committee: [[http://nizaurs.blogspot.com/2009/04/ubuntu-day-iset-of-sidi-bouzid.html |Abstract]] - [[http://picasaweb.google.com/ubuntu.tunisia/ISETSBZEvent904#5322072533723346866 |Picture 1]] - [[http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_boWSfbzop9c/SdvlXktpp_I/AAAAAAAABQk/xPQ0pfUNbY0/s1600-h/ISETSBZ092.JPG |Picture 2]] * Presentation: '''Open Source Business Models''' [[http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_boWSfbzop9c/Sdve7PlWjoI/AAAAAAAABQE/HS7AJKFzRkA/s1600-h/ISETSBZ028.JPG |Picture]] * ''More pictures'': [[http://picasaweb.google.com/ubuntu.tunisia/ISETSBZEvent904 |here]] * '''Event Gabes9.03''' ''SIB Gabes Exhibitions'' * Presentation: '''SMB solutions based on GNU/Linux Ubuntu - Case Studies''' * '''Event ISETS 9.02''' ''Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Sfax'' * Presentation: '''Open Source Business Models''' [[ http://picasaweb.google.com/chaker.zaafouri/EventISETS902#5308892963927986066|Picture]] * Workshop 1: '''LAMP on Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS''' * Workshop 2: '''CRM (Vtiger/SugarCRM) on Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS''' * Workshop 3: '''VoIP (Asterisk) on Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS''' [[ http://picasaweb.google.com/chaker.zaafouri/EventISETS902#5308893377516376402 |preparing the workshop]] * Install Party: '''Ubuntu 8.10''' [[ http://picasaweb.google.com/chaker.zaafouri/EventISETS902#5308892253910135746 |Picture]] * ''More pictures'': [[http://picasaweb.google.com/chaker.zaafouri/EventISETS902 |here]] * '''Event ENIS 9.01''' ''National Engineering School of Sfax'' *Presentation: '''Open Source Business Models''' [[ http://picasaweb.google.com/ubuntu.tunisia/ENISEvent901#5295645677056337282 | Picture ]] * Server Configuration: '''PDC on Ubuntu Server LTS 8.04''' (Samba, Openldap) * '''Migrating Data Center to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS''' * ''More pictures'': [[http://picasaweb.google.com/ubuntu.tunisia/ENISEvent901 |here]] * '''Event ENIS 8.12''' ''National Engineering School of Sfax'' * Presentation: '''Ubuntu Server in SMB - ZCS Case Study''' [[http://picasaweb.google.com/Nizar.Kerkeni/EnisEvent#5283451380834169042 |Picture]] * Server Troubleshooting: '''APT Cacher on Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS''' * Scripting: '''Ubuntu Desktop 8.04 LTS Automate Install''' (VBox, gcc, eclipse and many addons) * '''Migrating Data Center to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS''' more than 240 Desktop and 3 servers [[http://nizaurs.blogspot.com/2009/03/migration-project-national-engineering.html |Project Abstract]] * ''More pictures'': [[http://picasaweb.google.com/Nizar.Kerkeni/EnisEvent |here]] * '''Install party Fev 2008 Ubuntu 7.10''' '' Secondary School 9 April 1938 Sidi Bouzid'' : [[http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=33304&id=735508321 |Here]] * '''Install party Oct 2007 Ubuntu 7.04''' ''Secondary School Sidi Bouzid'' * '''[[http://www.eltaller.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=57:waha-center&catid=40:regional&Itemid=62 |Waha Center]] Volunteer GNU/Linux Ubuntu Tutor''' since Feb 2006 == Future involvement == * Create new Ubuntu-tn web site * Migrate all universities to OSS especially Ubuntu * Use '''O'''pen '''S'''ource '''S'''oftware as a vehicle for promoting economic development of Tunisia * Help '''S'''mall and '''M'''edium '''B'''usiness grow with Ubuntu and OSS * Create a solid partnership with Ubuntu and invite Canonical staff in Tunisia * ... == Testimonials == [[nizarus|nizarus]] : zaafouri, is an active member in our Tunisian LoCo team and a member of the LoCo management committee. He is always present in many of our events despite of his lot of workload. He try to show Tunisian students that we can work on FOSS an make money. He don't hesitate to support financially the activities of the loco. I believe that he will make a good ubuntu member. zaafouri is an excellent person to work with, he's very positive and a one you want to have around. I appreciate a lot what he is doing within ubuntu-tn LoCo Team like : giving talks/presentations, looking and getting invitations from Tunisian universities to promote ubuntu, helping newbies on the mailing list and on the irc channel #ubuntu-tn ... [[https://edge.launchpad.net/~rached-aleya|Rached ALEYA]] [04/20/2009] zaafouri is an active member in our community and he is a member in the Management Committee. He proposed, organized and financed some of our events and he participated in many events. He's one of the rare professionnel Linux people I know who participate actively in the community. I'm very happy to see him with us in our community and I'm sure that he will be a good ubuntu member. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Zied_ALAYA| Zied ALAYA]] [04/30/2009]