Artwork Submittal Process

The goal of the Artwork Team is to provide quality artwork in a manner which adds value to the Ubuntu community.

The objective is to use a flexible process which encourages inclusion, provides a recognition of effort, and facilitates collaboration to achieve the desired result.

Process Diagram


Process Narrative

  1. The process is a three phase approach (initiate, construct, release) and may begin in one of two ways.
    • A member from the community submits a request to the "Ubuntu Art" list to have artwork created. In the context of this process the community is defined as Ubuntu and the following derivatives.

      • Edubuntu

      • Kubuntu

      • Mythbuntu

      • UbuntuStudio

      • Xubuntu

      • Lubuntu

    • A member of the community or Artwork team submits an idea to the "Ubuntu Art" list as a proposal. This process assumes in most cases team members will facilitate their own proposals.
  2. Requests and proposals are added to the job queue waiting a team member to facilitate the effort. As the owner of a request or advocate of a proposal, the submitter must mitigate the risk the task may not be accepted by the team.

  3. When a team member agrees to facilitate the effort the requirements and process must be documented. The process should define all tools with clear instructions on how they are to be used. A tool in this context is a web site or specific software product and it is assumed they will be available without cost to the individual. Historically tools have included web sites like the Ubuntu Wiki and Flickr; products like Gimp and Inkscape.
  4. With a published and clearly defined process the facilitator may invite others to join by submitting artwork or performing tasks. The submittal process will be iterative with advice and approval given by the owner, mentoring and coaching by the facilitator.
  5. Artwork tasks are consider done when the requirements are satisfied and/or the process is complete (viz. contest winner selected). In the case of a proposal, the community accepts or rejects ownership.

Current Process Tools


Art Team Mailing List

Ubuntu Wiki


Third Party Sites




The owner is the individual or person representing a group which submits the request. The owner is responsible for defining requirements and the schedule. In the case requirements are unknown, the team may facilitate their discovery.

Roles: Initiate request, advise team, approve effort


The facilitator is a member of the Artwork Team who accepts responsibility to complete the task. The facilitator will solicit inclusion and lead others in achieving the desired result.

Roles: Propose ideas, accept responsibility, identify processes, coach members

Team Member

An individual who agrees to create submissions or contribute to the solution (viz. build packages) as coached by the facilitator.

Roles: create submissions, complete tasks

* An individual may have move than one role (viz. Facilitator & Team Member)

Use Cases

Ubuntu Countdown Banner

Goal: Leverage the Internet to inform users of the number of days until the next release of Ubuntu.

Objective: Create an image ("Banner") displaying the number of days from Beta to the final release. Typically 38 images are created numbered "38 - 1" plus one for day "0" that says "coming soon" and one more that says "it's here" (40 images total).

Procedure: This request will be managed as a contest with rules and directions posted to the Ubuntu Wiki. Members may post submissions to the Wiki which will be judged by a committee selected by the owner. The outcome will be announced to various internal mailing lists and external sources.

Xubuntu Default Wallpaper

Goal: Enhance the Xubuntu user experience with a wallpaper which satisfies the stated goals of the release.

Objective: Create an image ("Wallpaper") utilizing a blue pallet which can be generally described as light and refreshing. The successful implementation will be a single image which is not dependent upon aspect ratio and will display as desired on a variety of screen sizes.

Procedure: The request will be managed as a contest with rules and directions posted to the Xubuntu Wiki. Members may post submissions to the Wiki which will be judged by a committee selected by the owner. The outcome will be announced to various internal mailing lists and external sources.

Ubuntu Supplemental Wallpapers

Goal: Enhance the user experience by providing photographic images to be used as wallpaper which can be generally described as unique, pleasing, and refreshing.

Objective: The desired outcome is a group of twenty (20) wallpaper images which offers a quality user experience and displays well on a variety of screen sizes.

Procedure: The request will be managed as a contest with rules and directions posted to the Ubuntu Wiki. Individuals who desire to participate must join the Flickr Ubuntu Artwork Group where submissions are posted. Membership to the Artwork Team or subscribing to the "Artwork List" is not required but encouraged. Submissions will be judged by a committee selected by the owner with the outcome announced to the various internal mailing list and external sources.

Goal: Create a Ubuntu One Logo which adheres to current design standards.

Objective: The new logo must reflect the Ubuntu cloud experience and display well on a variety of media.

Procedure: A selected Artwork Team member will work directly with the owner to create an image which satisfies the stated requirements. Advice and suggestions may be solicited from the team with submissions posted to the Ubuntu One blog. Members interested in this assignment may make their intentions known to the mailing list.

As requests are completed those responsible for its success will be noted on the Wiki as recognition of their contribution. Karma will be applied to those who are eligible.

* Please note that although the use cases mimic current scenarios they are just use cases.

Artwork/Documentation/Blueprint (last edited 2010-11-02 15:37:23 by 207)