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About me
I'm Brazilian. I was born in Jaboticabal - Sao Paulo, Brazil. I speak Portuguese and English. I started working with Linux since 2002 and used several distros until I adopted Ubuntu as my official Linux distribution. I am an Ubuntu user since its 5.04 version.
Nowadays I am an enthusiastic evangelist of Ubuntu, trying to aggregate as much loyal users I can.
How to contact me
Email: <zehrique SPAMFREE AT ubuntu DOT com>
Blog: http://henriquemachado.wordpress.com (pt_BR)
IRC: ZehRique on Freenode (#ubuntu-br, #ubuntu-br-tradutores, #tradutores), on GIMPnet (#gnome-br, #gnome) and on OFTC.net (#lxde, #lxde-pt)
GPG Key Id: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x876EA67A0CE49BAA
Member of the Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Translators Team
Member of the Ubuntu Brasil Team
Member of the Ubuntu Brasil SP Team
Member of the Ubuntu GNOME Team
Member of the Launchpad Beta Testers Team
Member of the LXDE Team
Member of the GNOME's Brazilian Portuguese Translation Team
Past Jobs
- Did the upstream of the GNOME 2.24 translated packages into Brazilian Portuguese to the Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex on Rosetta
Working On
- Helping translate/reviewing translations of Ubuntu into Brazilian Portuguese
- Helping the newbies at #ubuntu-br IRC channel when possible
- Helping translate the GNOME Desktop Environment into Brazilian Portuguese directly with the official team and on Launchpad too
Helping translate the LXDE Desktop Environment into Brazilian Portuguese directly with the official team
Administration of Portuguese section of LXDE Wiki
Administration of LXDE Main Page for Portuguese speakers
Future Plans
Attend to Demo Days and InstallFests in my city and neighbour cities.
- Develop or improve some programs written in Python for the FOSS community.
HenriquePMachado (last edited 2009-07-01 15:02:36 by 189-111-98-36)