Improvements to the desktop
Key Experiences
- Creating an amazing, compelling, beautiful, wonderfull, blingy, sexy new theme.
- Theme should evolve between LTS releases with each LTS release the main points of change.
Artwork Plan
- In order to create a complete theme we need to define all parts in advance and create a general plan of attack in the form of mockups showing possibilities so that a decision can be made as to the whole theme not just parts.
- In order to create a theme which can evolve between LTS releases we need to define possible future branches - even if these change radically we cannot move forward with an evolving theme without this in mind when creating the first set.
- Until now the pieces of the theme have been dissimilar and to some extent contrasting.Improving this would benefit the feel of the entire desktop experience.
- The icon themes and hierarchy thereof currently used creates visual discrepancy within applications. Where possible an application should not use icons from different sets. The best way to fix this is to have the icon set used as default as complete as possible as well as seeing that it matches the other sets in the hierarchy
Top "non-trivial" bugs
- Currently several applications shipped with Ubuntu do not include icons for all sizes (24x24 instead of 22x22 mainly)
- The Usplash does not have resolutions for all monitor sizes
- Grub does not use a graphical theme
Things I would like to work on in Hardy
- A complete top-down redesign of the artwork
- Creating a plan for the future evolution of the theme up until the next LTS
- Creating plans for a new icon set to replace Human which fits more with the Tango guidelines and therefor most other themes in Gnome
KennethWimer/Ideas (last edited 2008-08-06 16:33:42 by localhost)