
AFAICT this is where blogs live on Launchpad.

A few older posts are on Blogspot, there is more about ME at

Here's my first attempt at implementing some of the stuff I've written about on Blogspot, 'words in space', and attempting to correlate cognitive and spatial relationships.

It attempts to describe a minimal Inkscape extension in Python, and the steps to debug using winpdb.

To relieve me of the delusion that this is original work, I recently found this example of of the principles involved:

It's crowded, hard to read, brittle and awkward to maintain, but I find it useful as a cheatsheet, and interesting enough to keep me working on refining tools to build such things.

As I learn a bit about using Inkscape, and build some simple extensions, I expect the process to become quite tolerable.

This is dogfood, I've been planning to look at Grok next, incorporating the browser into the toolchain.


KentTenney (last edited 2008-09-08 14:14:26 by s10-33)