

I'm Yoann Lamouroux. I live in Paris (FR). You can check my launchpad profile here : https://launchpad.net/~ylamouroux


I participate as a regular IRC helper (since a few years now) and moderator (since one year) on #ubuntu-fr.*@freenode.


Getting involved in a beautiful project, help in bringing a "better" computing to people. Learning <through> many others.


#ubuntu-fr and its neighbors' moderation. running tests with uBOTu-fr A few en-fr translations.

I'm also involved in the vimperator firefox extensions (plugins and patches) and mpd.

tomorrow and after

In a near future :

Ubuntu must assure its maturity and its reliability, and stick to its identity I think it's going a good way.

Further? :

The use of computer today have a deeper problem : the relation to education and knowledge. the users mostly don't want to have to use a documentation to use it. Ubuntu can help to fix it.

Keeping an free system comprehensive and reliable is a big part of the job.

Going further could be to try "updating" our help interfaces (integration within the desktop, wiki's APIs and such), making it more comprehensive and well... helpful.

Somehow the relevant thing is not the information : it's already available. It's more the way leading to it that need to be reworked (aka. users won't type anything into google)

(my 3 cents)


I currently work as a system admin in a *LARGE* data center which (VERY HAPPILY) is (slowly) moving from debian to ubuntu and as bassist and keyboardist in a band named Kwoon. (and of course this keys runs a Tux!).

Occasional skateboard stunts

Computer stuffs : occasional wargames and CTFs, programming, geeking, security stuffs, quake3 (and alikes)

Relevant things

why keyboard-only interfaces?

So you can work 9hrs straight and still get to the 4hrs rehearsal with no arm's pain.

ubuntu is like debian

No. They just share their unstable branch.


  • McPeter : Yoann is a very good helper/op on #ubuntu-fr on Freenode. +1

  • CoevoetNicolas : Yoann is a very friendly and helpful op in #ubuntu-fr* irc community for years, he deserves ubuntu community member.

  • avelldiroll : legreffier is a great asset to the ubuntu-fr-irc team, a nice person to speak to and, i heard, a skillful musician ... all these are great reasons to value his membership

  • Davromaniak : Yoann is a very good person, friendly, helpful in an outside #ubuntu-fr* irc, +42.

LeGreffier (last edited 2011-02-08 16:33:26 by nat-bureautique)