

Puoi visitare la mia pagina in italiano qui.


Who I am

Ubuntu Name: Leo Iannacone

Ubuntu Residence: Bologna ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntu/img/flag-it.png)

Ubuntu Employment: Student of computer engineering at Alma Mater Studiorum in Bologna.

Ubuntu Nick: l3on

Ubuntu Site: www.leoiannacone.com



Ubuntu Member of Ubuntu Italian LoCo Team Council

Ubuntu Admin of www.ubuntu-it.org

Ubuntu Sysadmin and Webdesigner of Ubuntu-it websites

Ubuntu Ubuntu Member and Italian Member



Ubuntu Email: <l3on AT ubuntu DOT com>

Ubuntu Jabber: <l3on@jabber.linux.it>

Ubuntu IRC: l3on on irc.freenode.org

Ubuntu Profile on Launchpad: l3on

Ubuntu Profile on Ubuntu-it Forum: l3on ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntu/img/flag-it.png )

Ubuntu Personal wiki page on Ubuntu-it: Leo Iannacone ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntu/img/flag-it.png )

Ubuntu OpenPGP publick key: D282FC25

Ubuntu Ubuntu User https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LeoIannacone?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ubuntu-counter.png on The Ubuntu Counter Project

Cheers for Ubuntu Membership

IconsPage/IconHandshake.png Leo is a very active member: he is moderator of Italian forum and is extremely active on the Documentation Team.Nice work, Leo! Smile :) -- PalmaSalvatore 2008-05-04 18:22:30
IconsPage/IconHandshake.png I would like to sustain Leo's application becouse he's one of the most involved users in the Ubuntu Italian Documentation Team. Its enthusiasm is amazing! You rock! -- NaldiniPaolo 2008-05-04 18:54:13
IconsPage/IconHandshake.png Leo is a rock for the Italian wiki and is a long time contributor! Much of the merit for the new layout goes to him! Keep up the good work buddy! -- Milo 2008-05-05 07:34:53
IconsPage/IconHandshake.png Leo is a great forum moderator, very polite and a great wiki admin, he is the one that made possible to have the new theme of the italian wiki, great user Big Grin :) -- Daniel Schwitzgebel 2025-03-04 01:00:52
IconsPage/IconHandshake.png Leo is involved in italian Documentation team (he is one of Ubuntu-it Wiki administrators) and italian Forum team (long time moderator). He is very keen and put lots of efforts to provide support to italian users. He really deserves to be Ubuntu member -- LucaFalavigna


LeoIannacone (last edited 2012-09-21 10:57:17 by dynamic-adsl-78-12-67-167)