
I am an amateur Ubuntu user who started in the trenches and has made my way to the grassy nole. I started using Ubuntu in 2006 with Edgy Eft and have reinstalled my way up to Intrepid.


I have no programming and have no extensive knowledge of command line capabilities. I have setup two dual boot PCs and customized each user profile down to the font type. This goes to show what an amateur computer user can accomplish with an Ubuntu OS.

I have created a website to help understand and install Ubuntu for an amateur user.


Ubuntu is an outstanding operating system that really allows a user to manipulate and improve every aspect of the system itself. From the GUI such as the login screen and the desktop theme, to the autostart programs and custom scripts. Ubuntu allows a user to really take control of their digital environment, and as a community, we can improve our digital experience.

NickBrowning (last edited 2009-03-31 19:18:05 by cse-211-g14)