- Programmer : Pascal, C,C++,Perl,Python,bash and Java.
- Ubuntu Israeli Loco team.
Ubuntu enthusiast and among UbuntuMembers.
On the list:
- GNU/Linux automation.
Object Oriented D&I and GUI usability.
Ubuntu Contributions
- 2002 DSA security review before warty preview.
2004 DSA security review, universe -
- Helping on bug reporting, squashing and testing
- Reported:
- Fixed:
- Documentation:
- Documentation Planning and outline:
Documentation team page, main website.
Helped EnricoZini on the short and long term first draft documentation proposal, and practically bootstrapped the doc team together with him.
- LiveCDCustomizationHowTo
- Documentation Planning and outline:
Did the original LaunchpadIntegration spec (The current UDU one is here).
Brainstorming and helping JamesHentrige with the launchpad integration helper lib.
- Created a wrapper library for launchpad-integration to support patching bonobo apps;
- Working on patching desktop apps to include the launchpad enabled menu items:
- gnome-panel
- Working on patching desktop apps to include the launchpad enabled menu items:
Personal view of Ubuntu: Making ubuntu a distinguished desktop OS on the market is a very important goal, not only for the benefit of Ubuntu's users, but also for open source software in general. I believe that showing that a GNU/Linux based operating system can be so vital and rapidally evolving system much as any or even better than other commerical ones, and yet stay purely open sourchish and nurture back the community is the right way to the users' and corporates hearts for approval and general acceptence of open source software as a de facto standard. I believe that Ubuntu is one of the strongest takes at this direction yet, and I vision bright future awaits it.
- IRC : sivang
SivanGreen (last edited 2008-08-06 16:30:37 by localhost)