
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #61 for the week October 7th - October 13th, 2007. In this issue we cover the release candidate of Ubuntu 7.10, learning more about Ubuntu at Ubuntu Open Week, Gutsy release parties, another Ubuntu Forums interview, new MOTU team member Laurent Bigonville, and, as always, much much more!

UWN Translations

In This Issue

  • Ubuntu 7.10 Release Candidate is Now Available
  • Ubuntu Open Week
  • MOTU: Jonathan Patrick Davies and Laurent Bigonville
  • Gutsy Release Parties
  • Ubuntu Forums Interview
  • Launchpad Bug Statuses
  • In The Press and In The Blogosphere
  • Meetings and Events
  • Updates and security for 6.06, 6.10, and 7.04
  • Translation stats
  • Bug Stats

General Community News

Announcing the Release Candidate for Ubuntu 7.10

The Ubuntu team is proud to announce the Release Candidate for version 7.10, codenamed "Gutsy Gibbon," of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Gobuntu, and Xubuntu. The release candidate includes installable live desktop CDs, server images, alternate text-mode installation CDs, and an upgrade wizard for users of the current stable release. Desktop highlights include compiz fusion, automatic printer installation, free flash support with Gnash, and automated Firefox plugin Installation. While this release candidate is considered complete, stable, and suitable for testing by any user, it should not be used for production machines.

Ubuntu Open Week

The Ubuntu project has developed a strong reputation for technical excellence and a commitment to the free software community, and we are always keen to grow and extend our community where possible. In just two years, Ubuntu has become the most popular Linux distribution in the world with millions of users and a spot regularly at the top of Distrowatch. Ever wondered what all the fuss is about? How we've achieved such a great feat in such a short space of time? Here's where you can find out. Ubuntu Open Week is a series of online workshops where you can:

  • learn about the Ubuntu landscape
  • talk to some of the key developers from the Ubuntu project
  • find out about the Community and its relationship with Canonical
  • participate in an open Q & A with Mark Shuttleworth, founder fo Ubuntu

  • and much, much more

Click on the link to see the time table of the programs you can participate in during Ubuntu Open Week.


  • Having been away for a while, Jonathan Patrick Davies finally has time for doing work in the MOTU team again, so his MOTU membership was re-activated. Welcome back!

  • The Telepathy team has brought us a new MOTU team member: Laurent Bigonville, who has done great work already, and will make Telepathy rock even harder in the Hardy cycle.

Ubuntu Gutsy Release Parties

Living in Anchorage? Want to join the release party in Marseille? No problem at all, find all the relevant info in the URL below. Feel free to add the release party you have scheduled in your area, and spread the fever, once again!

Launchpad News

Restoring the Status of Automatically Expired Bugs

Shortly after we released Launchpad 1.1.9 (on 21 September), Launchpad's housekeeping system - the Launchpad Janitor - expired 2,862 Incomplete bugs. We estimate that around 900 of these bugs should not have been expired. We're sorry for the confusion and inconvenience that this caused. We will restore the "Incomplete" status of all bugs that the Launchpad Janitor expired. This process will begin at 12.00 UTC on 10th October. To find out the details of what went wrong and how Launchpad plans to fix this problem, follow the link.

Launchpad Bug Statuses

With the janitor glitch that happened earlier, it became obvious the bug statuses in Launchpad were not used and seen the same way by LP developers, project teams and users. Please read the LP blog post to find out about all the 9 different statuses for bugs.

In The Press

  • Get down and dirty with Linux (Package managers make getting to grips with Linux easier) - Package managers have become more powerful and user-friendly. Under Ubuntu, there's no need to search the web for an instant-messaging program, a DVD-burning tool or pretty much anything else; the package manager will download it along with any components the new app requires. Free software is an ecosystem where all the code is shared, so new apps are almost always built on top of existing foundational layers. The package manager tracks all layers and the relationships among them, grabs everything required and installs it. For the most part, getting software on to a Linux system is as straightforward as it sounds. The one exception is with upgrades. With Linux, everything gets upgraded at once, so when an incremental upgrade (or distribution) appears, you get new versions of the associated software as well as the Linux kernel. The package manager only recognizes applications that work with its own generation of Linux. Newer versions of the add-on software are recognized only when the Linux version itself is updated, along with its list of software iterations.

  • Ubuntu's "Gutsy Gibbon 7.10" release Oct 18 with a full 3D GUI - Gutsy Gibbon will bring new support for simplified Xorg configurations (making it easier to setup video cards, graphics modes, etc.) and it will be the first to include a full mobile or embedded edition. It will also carry with it what many feel is the biggest addition to Linux: Compiz Fusion. It's an enhanced 3D GUI which many believe greatly exceeds Windows Vista in presence, friendliness, ease of use and configuration. The Ubuntu management and development groups have begun focusing on giving users more of what they want in a Windows-like OS. It's primarily that rich, multi-media experience that's being injected into Gibbon today, one which will definitely raise the face of Linux. Gutsy Gibbon will include a full mobile/embedded version is the rich graphics and trend toward flashier mobile devices. Intel is looking to use Ubuntu as its de facto mobile OS, for MIDs, notebooks, PDAs, and all small devices. This changing face of Ubuntu, from standard GUI to the uber-graphical GUI, will help make Gibbon a more desirable alternative to Windows on every platform.

  • Shuttleworth on Ballmer - Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has once more claimed that Linux and open source violates Microsoft's intellectual property and patents. Canonical's CEO Mark Shuttleworth thinks Ballmer has it all wrong. For starters, Shuttleworth said, Ballmer is implying that open-source developers don't take IP seriously. "Intellectual property is something the free software community takes very, very seriously," said the software leader and first African national in space. "There is a perception that the free software is somehow riding on the coattails of the real industry or somehow avoids intellectual property laws." If Microsoft has any real IP issues, Shuttleworth said that he "would be delighted to work with Microsoft to resolve any IP issues they might have." Of course, "that requires [Microsoft] to tell us what these infringements are," and "Ballmer is saying that Linux is not a safe neighborhood for users. He's implying that simply using open source is somehow dangerous. They need to back off on those claims. They're simply not true. Microsoft must actually state what the infringements are." "Microsoft settles an average of one billion dollars in IP claims a year. Microsoft trades on IP violations all the time. It seems to wrong for them to use that same framework against open source."

  • The LXer Interview: John Hull of Dell - "Embracing Ubuntu Linux on our desktops and laptops seems to have really raised Dell's visibility within the Linux community. We have been supporting, testing, developing for, and selling Linux for 8+ years here at Dell, but before the Ubuntu announcement, a lot of people didn't know that we did any of that. The announcement certainly opened people's eyes, and there seems to be much more awareness now that Dell is serious about supporting Linux. What has not changed is our overarching philosophy and trying to make Linux "just work" on all of Dell's systems. Previous to our Ubuntu product announcement, it was much more difficult to extend this model to consumer desktop and laptop technologies. We would have a conversations with vendors about pushing Linux support for their hardware, but without a Linux product offering from Dell for that hardware, it was very difficult to convince them to release Linux drivers. That has certainly changed now that we offer Ubuntu Linux, and we are making much more progress in our vendor discussions. The original sales estimates for Ubuntu computers was around 1% of the total sales, or about 20,000 systems annually. The program so far is meeting expectations. Customers are certainly showing their interest and buying systems preloaded with Ubuntu. Ubuntu is already a great Linux distribution, so we try to only make changes where we can add value. Our primary focus is to get all necessary hardware support and bug fixes into the distribution itself, so that we don't have to make any changes to the shipping code. We don't currently have any plans to offer other distributions for home users. We're constantly listening to customer feedback on how we're doing, and right now Ubuntu seems to be the most popular by a fair margin."

In The Blogosphere

  • Dell Preps for Next Linux Desktop Release - A major desktop Linux upgrade is set to be released on October 18. Michael Dell is expected to personally use it. And the PC giant will pre-load it on selected desktops and notebooks. Buzz about this next Linux release — dubbed Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon — is growing across the web. If Ubuntu 7.10 continues that positive buzz, it could help desktop Linux to gradually become a mainstream operating system. But don’t expect that to happen overnight. In an exclusive TechIQ interview with Dell’s Linux gurus last month, the company indicated that it would take a slow-and-steady approach to Ubuntu. Translation: don’t expect Dell to throw marketing dollars at Ubuntu PCs just yet. In the meantime, the countdown to Ubuntu 7.10 continues. And the buzz surrounding Ubuntu 7.1 will only grow louder as the October 18 launch date approaches.

  • On the Road with SDN Channel at Ubuntu Live - SDN Channel goes on the road with guest host, Barton George, Sun's Linux strategist. Barton takes us to Ubuntu Live for some great interviews. Check out our podcasts to learn more about Ubuntu and the community. Interviews with Mark Shuttleworth, Jane Siber, Tim Gardner, Daniel Holbach, Jono Bacon, and Matt Zimmerman. See all these interviews and more by following the link.

  • Ubuntu chief bids for prima-donna status (Dell, Open Office and Oracle let us down) - "I'd like to live in a tub of cream cheese icing. Sadly, that's not an option for me. It is, however, an option for Canonical/Ubuntu head Mark Shuttleworth. The open source advocate has plenty of cash - enough cash to build a breathing apparatus and waste removal system for a man-sized icing pool. I bring up the icing for no reason. I bring up Mark Shuttleworth because he's the star of Open Season Episode 4. Dave Rosenberg, Matt Asay and I reached Mark at Canonical's UK office for an hour-long chat covering all sorts of open source software topics and issues. Many of you will care little to know that my Dell laptop with Ubuntu has arrived and is working okay. The system suffers from an insanely hyperactive touchpad. It's a real pain, and I hope some of you are working on fixing this problem because I have no idea how to fix it." Listen to the whole interview here.

Meetings and Events

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Kernel Team Meeting

New York Loco Meeting

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

QA Team Meeting

  • Start: 16:00 UTC
  • End: As Needed
  • Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Agenda: No agenda set as of this publication

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 Release!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Ubucon Germany

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ubucon Germany

Community Spotlight

Ubuntu Forums Interviews

Ubuntu Forums continues its series of interviews that are geared to help us get to know who's behind a nickname. Continuing on from the interviews in last weeks UWN, bapoumba is the feature interview for this edition. Read the whole interview here:

Updates and security for 6.06, 6.10, and 7.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates

Ubuntu 6.10 LTS Updates

Ubuntu 7.04 Updates

Bug Stats

  • Open (33582) +837 # over last week
  • Critical (12) -6 # over last week
  • Unconfirmed (17968) +764 # over last week
  • Unassigned (25460) +786 # over last week
  • All bugs ever reported (127669) +1922 # over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Translation Stats

  1. Spanish (18825) -2521 # over last week
  2. French (39331) -1450 # over last week
  3. Swedish (50121) -438 # over last week
  4. English-UK (56768) -1237 # over last week
  5. German (65354) -72 # over last week

Remaining string to translate in Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon", see more at:

Archives and RSS Feed

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Nick Ali
  • Isabelle Duchatelle
  • Dawid van Wyngaard
  • John Crawford
  • And many others


You can subscribe to the UWN feed at:


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