After the mess of ArtworkTeam for DapperDrake, the team requires a deep reorganisation -- especially for its wiki. Here are a collection of reviews and propositions submitted for this reorganisation.
Pre Dapper Artwork Wiki State
Artwork Wiki was divided into two namespaces : Artwork and ArtworkTeam. During Dapper-Edgy inter cycle time, ArtworkTeam did a lot of work on its wiki namepsace.
Migrate ArtworkTeam To Artwork
Gather Artwork and ArtworkTeam into Artwork.
- Agree -- Troy
Rename ArtworkTeam/People to Artwork/Team.
- Agree -- Troy
Move Meetings to Artwork/Team.
- Agree. I think this whole meeting thing needs to be streamlined. Some place for someone new to locate and get up to speed with exactly where we are in the development doc timeline, what needs direct attention, etc. One page. Clean and simple. IRC meetings are sort of useless if we are all in different time zones etc. -- Troy
Gather Meetings résumé in Artwork/Team/Meetings/
- See above. I really am not a huge fan of the whole IRC thing. It is darn limiting. -- Troy
Move Agenda in Artwork/Team/Meetings.
- As above. -- Troy
Create a GetInvolved page, maybe in Artwork/Team/ or just put it on Artwork !
This is important. We need a CLEAN and EASY way to show how to contact us, get involved, and pick up the workload. Sublinks to howto IRC, howto MailingList, howto Launchpad. -- Troy
Create WartyWartHog, HoaryHedgeHog, BreezyBadger, DapperDrake and EdgyEft that contain reviews for released version and drafts for current development version.
- If this is purely graphical, absolutely. I think it is a nice way to reference existing pieces. Not a high priority as it takes time and is largely more referential. -- Troy
I suggest to creates Review of reviews artwork in Artwork/Reviews for each released version. For the current version, we need more than one page. So i suggest to create Artwork/Current/ namespace to contains Targets, GuideLines, Drafts and other stuffs current release, before building a Review of it when release -- ÉtienneBersac
- If this is purely graphical, absolutely. I think it is a nice way to reference existing pieces. Not a high priority as it takes time and is largely more referential. -- Troy
Move Documentation on top of Artwork/
- Disagree. Some documentation belongs below us and is specifically related to us. -- Troy
Drop non Artwork Howtos, e.g. IRC Howto must be a standalone page : IRCHowto or XChatHowto or GaimHowto.
- Agree as per above getting involved. -- Troy
Put Drafts and Proposition into Artwork/Incoming
- Agree! One place for ALL incoming additions! Love this idea. -- Troy
Create Artwork/Evaluations for us to compare Propositions. That might be Artwork/Team only.
- Possible disagree. I will work on getting the CMS admin off of Henrik for this. A CMS is better for collecting all the bits as it can't be defaced, etc. -- Troy
Make a beautiful template. ArtworkTeam/PageTemplate is quite good.
- Agree! We so badly need this. -- Troy
The Artwork Main Page
Here is an outline of what we should provide in our main page.
Ubuntu Artwork Goals : Be Different (not Think Different )
- More specifically -- what we are currently working on. Where we are currently at regarding development document timeline. How to participate. Etc. -- Troy.
Presenting the ArtworkTeam. Our brand new logo :
- Matters not really. More about how a newcomer can get on the log and help it roll along. -- Troy.
Getting Involved directives. Artwork Wiki Guidelines : Put new stuffs in Artwork/Incoming using Artwork/PageTemplate
- Exactly! -- Troy.
Various Links : other Ubuntu derivative ArtworkTeam, Official artwork, Licensing, etc.
- Perfect! Howtos for Gimp, Wacom tablet links, Launchpad details, and everything else the participating artist requires in a useful and clean summary format. -- Troy.
Artwork NameSpace Tree
- Artwork
- Incoming. Wiki additions, art, etc.
- Documentation drafts.
- Loose ideas. Etc.
- Team. Details and involvement. Needs further sorting.
GetInvolved (detailed version of Artwork introduction). Maybe merged into parent (aka Team).
- Meetings
- Tasks
- Structure Documents.
- Documentation
- Tools
- Licensing
- Archives (Just a artwork review like ArtworkTeam/Themes/DapperHuman ).
- Incoming. Wiki additions, art, etc.
- Current - possibly obsolete
- Targets - Probably in our structure documentation in /Team.
- Evalutions - Probably for sub classing under Archives perhaps.
Sub-pages :
/NewTree |
ÉtienneBersac/ArtworkReOrganisation (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:15 by localhost)