
Revision 17 as of 2008-02-12 10:43:44

Clear message

5 a Day

What is 5-A-Day?

We, that means everybody, will do 5 bugs a day - every day. With only five bugs that everybody looks at every day, we will cover a lot of ground.

What you can do? That's up to you, your interests and your abilities.

  • If you're a developer, you can help out reviewing patches and getting them uploaded.
  • If you want to just confirm new bugs, you can do that.
  • If you've experience with a certain package and want to triage bugs you can do that and forward them upstream if necessary.
  • If you know your way around Ubuntu quite well, you can help assign bugs to the right package.

What you need to do to participate?

If you haven't helped out with bugs before you might want to take a look at ["Bugs/HowToTriage"] or ask the nice people on #ubuntu-bugs on irc.freenode.net.

Anybody who reports bugs

Did you report a bug on a previous release of Ubuntu?

  • Is it the best quality bug report it could be?
    • Could it use a better summary or a test case?
  • Do you know if the bug is still occurs in the development release?

Review bugs you've reported by going to your launchpad page, clicking on the Bugs tab and then click "List reported bugs" in the Actions portlet. Or go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/~<launchpad-login>/+reportedbugs where launchpad-login is your launchpad user name.

Not a developer?

Once you feel you comfortable to start triaging, the following lists may be a helpful starting point:

You're a developer?

You might be interested in the following lists of bugs:

What you can do to spread the message?


My 5 today:
 - Bug 123456 (upstream fix included in Ubuntu)
 - Bug 123457 (upstream fix included in Ubuntu)
 - Bug 123458 (explained about debdiff process)
 - Bug 123459 (sponsored the upload)
 - Bug 123460 (guided patch into sponsoring queue)

Do 5 a day - every day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day


Automatic Reporting

This step is entirely optional. But will automatically report your bug numbers to ["/Log"] and update your signature file if you like it to.

Reporting to the 5-A-Day log

  1. Install editmoin:

    sudo apt-get install editmoin
    - it's a nifty tool to update wiki pages in an editor instead of a browser. We'll abuse it to automatically report to ["/Log"].
  2. Download a small utility to do exactly that:

    wget http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/add-5-a-day
  3. Set up editmoin: you will need do add your MOIN_ID to ~/.moin_ids. If you use Mozilla/Epiphany try

    grep MOIN_ID ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/cookies.txt

    and add the ID to ~/.moin_ids similar so it looks similar to

    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ fhjkjhf925uz98259z7k25jh25uh925h592h92j5h25

    - more information at http://labix.org/editmoin

  4. Tell add-5-a-day which Launchpad user you have:

    echo <Your Launchpad ID> > ~/.5-a-day
  5. Run add-5-a-day:

    ./add-5-a-day 123456 123457 123458 123459 123460
  6. Done. Smile :-)

Update ~/.signature

  1. Download a small utility to do exactly that:

    wget http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/update-signature
  2. If you've follwed the add-5-a-day steps above it will automatically update your signature by simply running:


    - it will preserve an old ~/.signature file if it finds it.
