May 4th, 2010, 13:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


Action Items from May 25th, 2010

Current Items

Standing Items

Meeting Outcome

Action Items


Weekly Reports

Michael Casadevall (NCommander)

Tobin Davis (GrueMaster)

[14:01] <mcasadevall> #startmeeting
[14:01] <MootBot> Meeting started at 08:01. The chair is mcasadevall.
[14:01] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[14:01] <mcasadevall> [link]
[14:01] <MootBot> LINK received:
[14:01] <mcasadevall> [topic] Roll Call
[14:01] <MootBot> New Topic:  Roll Call
[14:01] <mcasadevall> So who's here?
[14:02]  * GrueMaster awake & accounted for.
[14:02]  * lag is in attendance 
[14:02] <mcasadevall> ogra: davidm: plars: dyfet: ping?
[14:02] <davidm> G'day
[14:02]  * ogra waves
[14:03] <ogra> cooloney excused himself, he will likely be late
[14:03] <dyfet> hi
[14:03] <davidm> plars, is not on the roll call anymore
[14:04] <mcasadevall> persia doesn't appear to be online
[14:04] <ogra> mcasadevall, vacation
[14:04] <davidm> persia is on holiday
[14:04] <ogra> dont expect him for the next three weeks
[14:04] <mcasadevall> ah
[14:04] <mcasadevall> three?
[14:04]  * mcasadevall blinks
[14:04] <mcasadevall> Japan has a lot of holidays
[14:04] <mcasadevall> Anyway
[14:05] <mcasadevall> [topic] Annoucements
[14:05] <MootBot> New Topic:  Annoucements
[14:05] <mcasadevall> Folks, activity reports please!
[14:05] <ogra> ??
[14:05] <ogra> that should be under AOB :)
[14:05] <mcasadevall> ogra: no one has been putting ARs on the wiki aside from myself
[14:05] <mcasadevall> It keeps getting ignored, that's why I'm putting it at the start
[14:05] <ogra> k
[14:06] <mcasadevall> Please make sure you post your ARs to the wiki ASAP
[14:06]  * ogra will do so after meeting
[14:06] <mcasadevall> [topic] Action Item Review
[14:06] <MootBot> New Topic:  Action Item Review
[14:06] <mcasadevall> [topic] NCommander to make sure his specs are valid for tracker
[14:06] <MootBot> New Topic:  NCommander to make sure his specs are valid for tracker
[14:06] <mcasadevall> Done
[14:06] <ogra> yeah, thanks for that
[14:06] <mcasadevall> [topic] GrueMaster to assemble list on what SRU is going on with kernel team
[14:06] <MootBot> New Topic:  GrueMaster to assemble list on what SRU is going on with kernel team
[14:07] <GrueMaster> co
[14:07] <mcasadevall> [action] GrueMaster to assemble list on what SRU is going on with kernel team
[14:07] <MootBot> ACTION received:  GrueMaster to assemble list on what SRU is going on with kernel team
[14:07] <mcasadevall> [topic] NCommander to discuss build timeout with lamont
[14:07] <MootBot> New Topic:  NCommander to discuss build timeout with lamont
[14:07] <mcasadevall> Discussed it briefly, no resolution as of yet.
[14:07] <mcasadevall> [topic] NCommander to poke Keybuk on libnih
[14:07] <MootBot> New Topic:  NCommander to poke Keybuk on libnih
[14:07] <ogra> i thought lamont proposed a resolution
[14:08] <mcasadevall> ogra: did he?
[14:08] <lamont> resolution is that I need to figure out how to do per-architecture timeouts in a sane way.
[14:08] <mcasadevall> I failed to poke Keybuk so co
[14:08] <lamont> but I'm not here right now. this is a recording.
[14:08] <ogra> mcasadevall, in the log snipped i pasted lamont asked for the packages to be fixed
[14:08] <mcasadevall> ogra: I must have missed it :-/
[14:09] <mcasadevall> [topic]Entire team to respond to davidm's email on meeting times
[14:09] <MootBot> New Topic: Entire team to respond to davidm's email on meeting times
[14:09]  * mcasadevall failed on this one
[14:09]  * ogra too
[14:09] <ogra> but then i'm also happy with meeting times
[14:09]  * mcasadevall would be happier if they were offset 12 hours but YMMV
[14:10] <mcasadevall> [topic] Standing Items
[14:10] <MootBot> New Topic:  Standing Items
[14:10] <mcasadevall> [link]
[14:10] <MootBot> LINK received:
[14:10] <mcasadevall> The bar of success looks really really low
[14:10] <ogra> we finally have all items in place
[14:11] <ogra> i just asked pitti to reset it to 46 items
[14:11] <ogra> the bar will be correct in 60min
[14:11] <mcasadevall> yay
[14:11] <ogra> (next cron run(
[14:11] <mcasadevall> ogra: but shouldn't it be set to 52, which is the high point where everything went in?
[14:12] <ogra> while we have no A1 items everyone please work on their A2 items :)
[14:12] <ogra> mcasadevall, who cares as long as we stay below :)
[14:12] <mcasadevall> ogra: point tkaen
[14:12] <mcasadevall> Our kernel devs aren't here ATM, so I'll skip kernel status for now
[14:13] <ogra> lag is here
[14:13] <mcasadevall> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster)
[14:13] <MootBot> New Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster)
[14:13] <mcasadevall> oh
[14:13] <mcasadevall> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster)
[14:13] <MootBot> New Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster)
[14:13] <mcasadevall> bah
[14:13] <ogra> heh
[14:13] <mcasadevall> [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, mpoirier, lag)
[14:13] <MootBot> New Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, mpoirier, lag)
[14:13] <GrueMaster> Not a lot to report as of yet.  Some kernel testing for Lucid Updates.
[14:13] <ogra> lag, has an omap3 kernel been uploaded to the archive already ?
[14:14] <lag> ?
[14:14] <ogra> lag, i thought you care for omap3 ?
[14:14] <lag> I have no idea
[14:14] <ogra> or was that omap4 in 10.10
[14:14] <ogra> ah, k :)
[14:14] <lag> I haven't been told a thing
[14:15] <ogra> ok
[14:15] <lag> Apparently I have a 'panda' board coming to me
[14:15] <ogra> all i know is that cooloney cares for the 10.07 kernel
[14:15] <lag> And I've been included in this meeting and the weekly chat with TI
[14:15] <ogra> so the 10.10 work will be spread between you and mpoirier
[14:15] <lag> That's all I know
[14:15] <lag> Thanks for letting me know ;)
[14:16] <ogra> which means an omap3 kernel built from mainline and a specially branched omap4 kernel
[14:16] <davidm> cooloney will train lag and mpoirier on what we need
[14:16] <ogra> ok
[14:16] <davidm> he will be around until they are fully up to speed
[14:16] <lag> Thanks davidm
[14:17]  * ogra also likes to announce that x-loader-omap4 and u-boot-omap4 sit in the NEW queue, if Riddell gets to it they should hit the archive today
[14:17]  * Riddell takes the hint
[14:17] <ogra> (not exactly kernel but close :) )
[14:17]  * ogra hugs Riddell 
[14:17]  * mcasadevall hugs Riddell
[14:17] <ogra> mcasadevall, how about movin on :)
[14:18] <mcasadevall> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster)
[14:18] <MootBot> New Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster)
[14:18] <GrueMaster> deja vu?
[14:18] <GrueMaster> Not a lot to report as of yet.  Some kernel testing for Lucid Updates
[14:18] <ogra> tri va vu :)
[14:19] <mcasadevall> [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet)
[14:19] <MootBot> New Topic:  ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet)
[14:19] <ogra> looks horrid
[14:19] <mcasadevall> Indeed
[14:19] <mcasadevall> A lot of it is cascade from Qt4 exploding
[14:19] <ogra> yeah
[14:19] <mcasadevall> I've managed to determine that lzma compression + massive dbg packages == ow
[14:19] <ogra> libnih is gone ... though just because upstart failed completely now
[14:19] <mcasadevall> ugh
[14:20] <ogra> i guess it will return
[14:20]  * mcasadevall knows what he's doing this week
[14:20] <ogra> mcasadevall, btw, did you get my response to the livecd-roofs mail ?
[14:20] <mcasadevall> ogra: yes, did you get my response to it?
[14:21] <ogra> i mean the resonse to that one :)
[14:21]  * ogra wants a last one char change 
[14:21] <mcasadevall> ogra: oh, then I didn't get the response to my response of your response
[14:21] <ogra> lol
[14:22] <ogra> dyfet, btw, how did the MOTU think go on friday ?
[14:22]  * mcasadevall kicks offlineimap
[14:22] <ogra> could you take on some more FTBFS issues ?
[14:22] <mcasadevall> [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
[14:22] <MootBot> New Topic:  ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
[14:22] <dyfet> ogra: I was not able to get the people I needed to sign onto the application in time
[14:22] <ogra> since mcasadevall still has some debian-cd work to do it would be good if you could take that
[14:23] <ogra> oh
[14:23] <ogra> i thought you said it would be friday
[14:23] <dyfet> ogra: that was based on that happening
[14:23] <ogra> aha
[14:23] <mcasadevall> ogra: I was actually going to put most of that work on hold, we can't really touch the infrastructure during alpha 1
[14:23] <ogra> mcasadevall, we can prepare everything
[14:23] <mcasadevall> and then we can just focus on merging what must be merged
[14:24] <ogra> i surely can merge livecd-rootfs and hold back the upload and you can work on the separate branch
[14:24] <mcasadevall> ogra: works for me I guess
[14:24] <ogra> great
[14:24] <mcasadevall> I was planning on squashing FTBFS this week though
[14:24] <ogra> since i want to have jasper ready by end of the week
[14:24] <GrueMaster> Are we going to start producing images this week?
[14:24] <ogra> GrueMaster, next probably
[14:25] <ogra> we're still missing some bits
[14:25] <GrueMaster> So nothing for Alpha 1?
[14:25] <ogra> nope
[14:25] <mcasadevall> ogra: we're not spinning old-style OMAp3 images?
[14:25] <GrueMaster> Even the old style images?
[14:25] <ogra> mcasadevall, i asked pitti to hold off on that
[14:25] <GrueMaster> ok
[14:25] <ogra> since someone would have to clean up cdimage then
[14:25] <mcasadevall> ogra: fair enough
[14:25] <ogra> they gain us nothing
[14:25] <mcasadevall> ogra: ah, very good point.
[14:26] <mcasadevall> So, on the pre-installation image front
[14:26] <mcasadevall> livecd-rootfs code has landed
[14:26] <ogra> next irc meeting we should have something
[14:26] <mcasadevall> Initial debian-cd code has landed
[14:26] <mcasadevall> er
[14:26] <mcasadevall> not has landed
[14:26] <mcasadevall> has been written
[14:26]  * mcasadevall is obviously not at full caffination
[14:27] <ogra> did you look at the publishing code yet ?
[14:27] <ogra> (i put the branch for you on the server)
[14:27] <mcasadevall> ogra: no, most of my weekend was spent traveling up to Rochester
[14:27] <ogra> ah, k
[14:27]  * mcasadevall is working out of a hotel today
[14:27] <ogra> please focus on that as soon as you have time
[14:27] <mcasadevall> ogra: I want to get the initial review of the d-cd branch done though before I start tearing into the publishing code
[14:27] <ogra> images > ftbfs
[14:28] <mcasadevall> ogra: indeed, although that list is getting very scary :-/
[14:28] <ogra> as long as ubuntu-netbook for armel doesnt show up on all is fine
[14:28] <mcasadevall> Anything else we want to bring up w.r.t. to images?
[14:28] <ogra> we can do ftbfs all the time, images have to happen asap
[14:29] <ogra> nothing from me
[14:29] <mcasadevall> nor me
[14:29] <ogra> move ! :)
[14:29] <mcasadevall> [topic] Any Other Business
[14:29] <MootBot> New Topic:  Any Other Business
[14:30] <ogra> nothing here
[14:31] <davidm> nothing from me
[14:32] <mcasadevall> then without further adue
[14:32] <mcasadevall> #endmeeting

ARM/Meeting/2010/20100601 (last edited 2011-07-28 17:57:44 by pool-96-226-234-14)