December 09st, 2011, 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


Action Items from last meeting

Standing Items

Meeting Outcome

[15:00] <NCommander> #startmeeting
[15:00] <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jan  5 15:00:52 2012 UTC.  The chair is NCommander. Information about MeetBot at
[15:00] <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
[15:01]  * davidm waves
[15:01] <janimo> hi
[15:01]  * mrjazzcat waves
[15:01] <NCommander> [link]
[15:02] <NCommander> who's here?
[15:02] <mahmoh> hi
[15:02] <rbasak> o/
[15:02]  * NCommander fixes the wikipage
[15:02] <NCommander> sorry, I put the actual page under 2011
[15:03] <NCommander> ugh A page with the name 'ARM/Meeting/2012/20120105' already exists. Try a different name.
[15:03] <NCommander> I'll fix it after the meeting
[15:03] <NCommander> [link]
[15:03]  * cmagina waves
[15:04] <NCommander> so, action items
[15:04] <NCommander> [topic] rsalveti to kick someone to fix bug 838200
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: rsalveti to kick someone to fix bug 838200
[15:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 838200 in u-boot-linaro (Ubuntu Precise) "No network support on Beagle XM" [High,Confirmed]
[15:04] <rsalveti> still in progress, people starting to work just now
[15:05] <NCommander> k
[15:05] <NCommander> [topic] rsalveti to track the gles driver status for armhf for the vendors we support
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: rsalveti to track the gles driver status for armhf for the vendors we support
[15:05] <rsalveti> ti is working on getting the armhf driver available
[15:05] <NCommander> yay
[15:05] <rsalveti> other vendors are also aware already
[15:06] <rsalveti> but at least ti should make it available soon :-)
[15:06] <NCommander> please keep us appraised of teh armhf gles drivers
[15:06] <NCommander> ^- as the cycle continues
[15:06] <rsalveti> sure :-)
[15:06] <rsalveti> happy to do
[15:06] <NCommander> [topic] jcrigby to update the mx53 kernel
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: jcrigby to update the mx53 kernel
[15:08]  * NCommander realizes we have no jcrigby
[15:08] <NCommander> Moving on
[15:08] <NCommander> [action] jcrigby to update the mx53 kernel
[15:08] <meetingology> ACTION: jcrigby to update the mx53 kernel
[15:08] <NCommander> [action] jcrigby to update the mx53 kernel (c/o)
[15:08] <meetingology> ACTION: jcrigby to update the mx53 kernel (c/o)
[15:08] <NCommander> [topic] Stanidng Items
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Stanidng Items
[15:08] <NCommander> [topic]
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to:
[15:10] <GrueMaster> Status page still has workitems and people not associated with arm.
[15:10] <NCommander> Due to the Christmas shutdown there hasn't been too much progress
[15:11] <NCommander> Also looks like someone caused one of our specs to pull in the entire release
[15:11] <NCommander> [action] NCommander to track dependency SNAFU on status tracker and remove non-ARM specs
[15:11] <meetingology> ACTION: NCommander to track dependency SNAFU on status tracker and remove non-ARM specs
[15:12] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)
[15:12] <NCommander> DEPWAIT hardware
[15:12] <NCommander> Not much to say beyond that :-/
[15:12] <rbasak> Nothing to report from the server end afaik
[15:12] <GrueMaster> I think part of the problem is everything is now linked to topic-precise-release-lts.
[15:12] <rbasak> GrueMaster: AIUI, a server install on a panda continues to work?
[15:13] <GrueMaster> rbasak: I do them almost daily.
[15:13] <GrueMaster> (Not every load, but netinstall and some testing).
[15:13] <rbasak> and do they work? :)
[15:13] <GrueMaster> I am working to automate all the manual tests I ran last cycle.
[15:13] <ogra_> grmbl, sorry for being late ... connection probs
[15:14] <GrueMaster> rbasak: I haven't had issues yet.
[15:14] <rbasak> excellent!
[15:14] <NCommander> [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati)
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati)
[15:14] <GrueMaster> Although almost nothing is automated in a way I can use.
[15:15]  * ogra_ had a word on specs but missed that bit .... we are supposed to pick the specs we will work on at the sprint in advance
[15:15] <ogra_> (can probably do that in AOB)
[15:15] <NCommander> ppisati: ping?
[15:15]  * NCommander notes we have no cooloney
[15:16] <ogra_> he mailed
[15:16] <ogra_> vacation this week
[15:16] <NCommander> Oh, oops
[15:16] <ogra_> iirc at least
[15:16] <janimo> new ac100 uploads for both oneiric and precise
[15:16] <NCommander> thanks ogra
[15:16] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
[15:16] <janimo> with mmap fixes, and 3.0 kernel in precise
[15:16] <ogra_> janimo, tested already ?
[15:16] <janimo> ogra_, yes
[15:16] <ogra_> yay
[15:16] <GrueMaster> Yea, something about doing something with his wife?  (And I thought he was dedicated to us).
[15:16] <ogra_> well, ftbfs ...
[15:17] <ogra_> someone needs to do the testbuild of libreoffice
[15:17] <janimo> no progress here on my side, still have libo to tackle soon
[15:17]  * NCommander runs through the nearest wall in horror
[15:17] <ogra_> i guess thats a good task for the sprint
[15:17] <ogra_> so we can spread the load a bit
[15:17] <ogra_> instead of having NCommander do it all alone as usual ;)
[15:17] <janimo> I still haven;t switched my panda to armhf but it is next step on the list
[15:18]  * NCommander whimpers
[15:18] <ogra_> the LibO bug seems to have a patch that just hasnt been tested yet
[15:18] <ogra_> and will need a build
[15:18] <GrueMaster> janimo: USB drive with two partitions.
[15:18] <NCommander> I still haven't recovered from the last time I tangled with the beast
[15:18] <janimo> ogra_, very likely, or needs some newish patch
[15:18] <ogra_> beyond that we should see that we get the above 200 universe ftbfs fixed
[15:18] <janimo> GrueMaster, yeah, I just wish we had a live installer to tell it to install to the usb disk :)
[15:18]  * GrueMaster notes that he has a 5s lag to freenode.
[15:18] <janimo> doable otherwise just noot fun
[15:19] <ogra_> i have taken a look over the logs and many are changed in the gthread lib it seems
[15:19] <GrueMaster> janimo: netinstall.
[15:19] <ogra_> should be easy to develop a general reciepe for these
[15:19] <janimo> GrueMaster, hmm will ask you more after the meeting then. Never did one of those, not even on x86
[15:19] <GrueMaster> kk
[15:19] <ogra_> janimo, do it at the sprint ;)
[15:20] <ogra_> surely easier to do face to face
[15:20] <janimo> yes, makes sense. Cause then I can also buy I bear :)
[15:20] <ogra_> yay, bears
[15:20] <janimo> one beer
[15:20]  * ogra_ likes bears :)
[15:20]  * GrueMaster doesn't dreak bear.
[15:20] <NCommander> janimo: I didn't know they sold bears in Romania
[15:20] <ogra_> they surely do ... more than anywhere else
[15:20] <janimo> NCommander, well sprint is in Hungary so there may be a small chance
[15:20] <GrueMaster> bah.  janimo's keyboard issue has affected me too.
[15:20] <ogra_> nothing from me on the topic anymore
[15:21] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Hardfloat status (infinity)
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Hardfloat status (infinity)
[15:21] <janimo> GrueMaster, not a keyboard issue unfortunately. Wetware malfunction
[15:21] <ogra_> didnt we decide to drop that last meeting ?
[15:21] <ogra_> move on :)
[15:21] <janimo> wow we drop armhf. nice
[15:21] <janimo> :P
[15:21] <ogra_> heh, only the topic
[15:21] <NCommander> Nice, so much free time now with no hf
[15:21]  * NCommander ducks
[15:21] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
[15:21] <ogra_> failed today ....
[15:22] <ogra_> thanks to chinese langpacks
[15:22] <ogra_> if they build tomorrow, i will not assume an asian conspiracy :)
[15:22] <ogra_> nothing else from me
[15:22] <NCommander> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)
[15:22] <ogra_> oh, someone should tell kubuntu to drop LibO from their seeds
[15:22] <NCommander> ScottK: ^
[15:22] <ogra_> if they want images at some point ;)
[15:22] <NCommander> ogra_: done
[15:23] <ogra_> heh
[15:23] <GrueMaster> I am seeing some issues with the QRT lately that I am tracking down.
[15:23] <GrueMaster> Some of the tests (mainly the nx tests) are producing random results.  In 1000 executions, 150 fail.
[15:24] <ogra_> is that something we could help you with during the sprint ?
[15:24] <NCommander> do we actually support NX support on ARM?
[15:24] <GrueMaster> I am working with kees, but it may be a kernel thing.
[15:24] <ogra_> yeah, we might miss a patch or so
[15:24] <GrueMaster> I was told we do.
[15:24] <ogra_> iirc the NX patch was big and ugly
[15:25] <ogra_> and in several chunks
[15:25] <NCommander> We'll kidnap a kernel engineer and hold him hostiage in our room at the sprint
[15:25] <ogra_> yeah
[15:25]  * ogra_ looks at ppisati 
[15:25] <ogra_> :)
[15:25]  * NCommander wonders what we can get for ransom
[15:25] <Riddell> ogra_: hmm?
[15:26] <GrueMaster> Not sure.  How much does pgraner value his crew?
[15:26] <ogra_> its not his crew atm, its tims
[15:26] <NCommander> Regardless, I think its just a matter of beer
[15:26] <janimo> Let's put beertraps in our sprint room. Kernel team likes beer, they will be lured
[15:26] <GrueMaster> So...not very much then.
[15:26] <ogra_> Riddell, your arm images fail regulary, you should temporary remove LibO from your seeds for the arm builds
[15:26] <janimo> everyone please notice the clever pun above
[15:26] <ogra_> haha
[15:27] <Riddell> ogra_: that's a known problem with libreoffice?
[15:27] <NCommander> janimo: if we put beer taps in our room, admittly, team moral will be very hihg
[15:27] <NCommander> Team productivity; not so much
[15:27] <ogra_> Riddell, it doesnt build on armhf atm
[15:27] <ogra_> NCommander, depends on what you want to produce
[15:27] <ogra_> ;)
[15:27] <janimo> but if we reach ballmer peak we may get both
[15:27] <NCommander> Riddell: you are suggesting that libreoffice doesn't have a problem
[15:27] <NCommander> ogra_: thanks, I needed to be squicked out this early in the morning
[15:27] <janimo> that statement is always false
[15:27] <pgraner> ogra_, still my crew, tim is my henchman
[15:28]  * NCommander needs brainbleach
[15:28] <ogra_> for producing reverse eaten lunch beer taps are great :)
[15:28] <ogra_> pgraner, oh, sorry
[15:28] <ogra_> move ?
[15:28] <NCommander> [topic] Linaro Updates (rsalveti)
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Linaro Updates (rsalveti)
[15:29] <rsalveti>
[15:29] <rsalveti> this is the stuff we're planning for this cycle
[15:29] <rsalveti> 2 thing that should affect ubuntu quite soon
[15:29] <rsalveti> newer u-boot-linaro and armhf packages for all linaro stuff
[15:29] <rsalveti> newer u-boot-linaro supports SPL for omap 3
[15:29] <janimo> rsalveti, is omap3 getting SPL this Ubuntu cycle?
[15:29] <rsalveti> so we'd need the same transition as we did for omap 4
[15:30] <janimo> ah, beta me to it :)
[15:30] <janimo> beat
[15:30]  * NCommander winces
[15:30] <rsalveti> janimo: we have it already, done by upstream
[15:30] <rsalveti> :-)
[15:30] <janimo> great
[15:30] <rsalveti> jcrigby is sick today, but he should be back soon
[15:30] <rsalveti> and will work on pushing this stuff forward
[15:30] <rsalveti> who should we ping before updating u-boot?
[15:30] <GrueMaster> me
[15:30] <NCommander> rsalveti: myself or ogra
[15:30] <rsalveti> to update the omap3 images to use SPL instead of X-Loader?
[15:30] <NCommander> or GrueMaster
[15:31]  * ogra_ is happy to take that one
[15:31] <rsalveti> great, everybody wants to kill x-loader ;-)
[15:31] <GrueMaster> I want to make sure it is tested before we kill kittens.
[15:31] <rsalveti> poor package
[15:31] <ogra_> what about the mx5 kernel ?
[15:31] <NCommander> [action] ogra + rsalveti to kill x-loader with fire
[15:31] <meetingology> ACTION: ogra + rsalveti to kill x-loader with fire
[15:31] <ogra_> :)
[15:31] <rsalveti> ogra_: also coming with the other armhf updates we need to push
[15:31] <rsalveti> we have a blueprint for that now
[15:31] <ogra_> k
[15:31] <rsalveti> to make sure we work on it asap
[15:31] <janimo> rsalveti, is the new uboot packaged and imported in linaro git already?
[15:31] <NCommander> rsalveti: will you be at budapest?
[15:31] <janimo> in ppa I mean
[15:32] <ogra_> NCommander, nobody will
[15:32] <ogra_> NCommander, as nobody from us will be in sanfrancisco
[15:32] <NCommander> Oh good, that means I can stay home
[15:32] <rsalveti> janimo: yes, you can test by simply installing the package available at our overlay
[15:32] <NCommander> :-)
[15:32] <janimo> nice
[15:32] <rsalveti> NCommander: unfortunately, no
[15:32] <rsalveti> nobody?
[15:32] <rsalveti> that's bad :-(
[15:32] <ogra_> well, nobody from linaro
[15:32] <rsalveti> we should have at least one engineer there
[15:32] <ogra_> :)
[15:32] <rsalveti> at connect
[15:32] <NCommander> rsalveti: I'll take it as a company sponsored mileage run :-P
[15:32] <ogra_> i was told lool might come though
[15:32] <NCommander> if no one will be there
[15:32] <ogra_> but that wasnt sure
[15:33] <ogra_> or finalized
[15:33] <rsalveti> yeah, still to be decided I believe
[15:33] <rsalveti> but don't hope anyone from linaro there
[15:33] <ogra_> right
[15:33] <rsalveti> but we should try to at least get someone at connect
[15:33] <rsalveti> from ubuntu arm
[15:33] <rsalveti> an engineer
[15:33] <ogra_> for the ubity merge i would really have preferred it
[15:33] <NCommander> Where's connect? SFO?
[15:33] <NCommander> (and when?)
[15:33] <ogra_> *unity
[15:33] <rsalveti> NCommander: yup
[15:33] <davidm> NCommander, yes
[15:33] <NCommander> cool
[15:34] <janimo> NCommander, not making too many miles off that flight from Portland
[15:34] <ogra_> NCommander, no travel approval for any of us yet
[15:34] <rsalveti> ogra_: yup, but travis is kind of away I believe, and things are starting to land
[15:34] <NCommander> janimo: I'd actually drive instead of fly for that one
[15:34] <rsalveti> so I expect things available quite soon
[15:34] <ogra_> yeah
[15:34] <NCommander> Getting around SFO is annoying without a car
[15:34] <rsalveti> at least after the discussion we had yesterday
[15:34] <ogra_> i see stuff happening atm
[15:34] <rsalveti> yup
[15:35] <ogra_> hopefully getting finished during next week :)
[15:35] <rsalveti> hopefully :D
[15:35] <rsalveti> that's the most important topics from my side
[15:35] <ogra_> only took us 2 years :P
[15:35] <janimo> rsalveti, thanks for the updates :)
[15:35] <ogra_> NCommander, move :)
[15:36] <NCommander> [topic] AOB
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
[15:36] <GrueMaster> win32-image-writer has received several much needed updates over the holidays.
[15:36] <ogra_> awesome
[15:36] <ogra_> there were plenty people having issues with it
[15:36] <ogra_> in #pandaboard
[15:37] <ogra_> somehow it seems to have produced unbootable images
[15:37] <GrueMaster> Yes, I know.  I get flooded with emails from people that want fixes.
[15:37] <GrueMaster> It had issues with SD >2G.
[15:37] <ogra_> ah
[15:37]  * ogra_ has an AOb topic too ...
[15:37] <GrueMaster> Wonderful Windows documentation.
[15:37] <ogra_> please select the specs you will work on durign the sprint and let me know which they are :)
[15:38] <ogra_> *during
[15:38] <ogra_> and i have another AOB topic ...
[15:38] <NCommander> ogra_: mine is completely dependent on HW arriving by time the sprint arrives
[15:38] <ogra_> the weekly reports please dont go on the wiki anymore but by mail to david
[15:38] <NCommander> k
[15:39] <ogra_> NCommander, well, the server team told me there are a bunch of specs they could need help on that arent HW dependent
[15:39] <ogra_> lets talk to them at the sprint
[15:39] <ogra_> thats all from my side
[15:39] <NCommander> I think that's everything
[15:39] <GrueMaster> And there is plenty of test automation work for anyone (hint hint) to help with.
[15:39] <NCommander> Anyone else or can I close
[15:40] <NCommander> going once
[15:40] <NCommander> twice
[15:40] <ogra_> GrueMaster, yeah, just drop the issues on our laps
[15:40] <NCommander> ogra_: that's an unfortunate choice of words
[15:40] <ogra_> ..
[15:40] <ogra_> heh
[15:40] <NCommander> anyway
[15:40] <NCommander> #endmeeting

Action Items

ARM/Meeting/2012/20120105 (last edited 2012-01-12 11:19:32 by business-89-133-214-90)