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ARM is a processor architecture used in a variety of applications, such as:

  • Handheld Computers (Nokia n9xx/n8xx/n7xx, Sharp Zaurus, etc.)
  • Network Devices (Thecus N series, Linksys NSLU2, QNAP TS series, etc.)
  • Project development boards (Gumstix, Beagleboard, etc.)
  • Subnotebooks (Sharp Netwalker, Toshiba AC100, etc.)

Ubuntu targets the ARM EABI, with an expetation of minimum compliance with the ARMv7+VFP ISA. Limited support for earlier instruction sets (ARMv5t, ARMv6) was available in early releases of the ARM port (jaunty, karmic). Ubuntu typically targets the Thumb2 instruction set.


  • Much of the application porting is complete
  • Installation images are available for selected boards
  • kernels for a variety of subarchitectures are available
  • Continued porting and optimisation is underway


How do i build an armel rootfs from scratch

Please see the ARM/RootfsFromScratch page

How do I install Ubuntu on my device

For some devices, installation images are available from or For other devices, netinstalls are recommended, although this will require a custom kernel/debian-installer build for your target device. Please share your experiences with successful installs (and instructions) on the Device Support page.

How does this differ from Debian's armel port?

The primary difference is the ISA and instruction set targeted in Ubuntu, rendering nearly all packages incompatible at a binary level. As with the rest of Ubuntu, typically the source packages are identical, so most of the remaining differences are the same as differences generally between Debian and Ubuntu.

Where can I get help?

If it's ARM specific, stop by #ubuntu-arm on freenode. If it's not ARM specific, the regular Ubuntu support channels will provide better support.

What kernel flavours are available?

Available kernels have varied by release, as follows:

  • jaunty: imx51, versatile
  • karmic: dove, imx51, versatile
  • lucid: dove, imx51, omap, versatile
  • maverick: dove, omap, omap4, versatile

If you have a working kernel and wish to support it in Ubuntu, please contact the [[KernelTeam|Ubuntu Kernel Team] about configuration requirements and sponsoring procedures.

How can I help?

  • As a user: Try Ubuntu ARM on your device. Report any bugs to Report working hardware to ARM/DeviceSupport

  • As a developer: Try Ubuntu ARM for your use case. Fix anything that doesn't work. Submit the patches for upload.
  • As a porter: Review applications not yet available for armel. Find out why. Port it, and submit the patches. Known issues are tracked at ARM/PortingIssues

  • As a tester: Try following the Ubuntu test cases on an ARM device. Report any regressions from other architectures.
  • As an author: Document installation procedures for various devices.

How to run Ubuntu ARM build rootfs in qemu?

  • Build your own rootfs, either qemu image or rootfs tarball will be fine and run it as described on ARM/RootfsFromScratch