Revision 8 as of 2005-12-06 23:21:29
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Time: [ Wednesday, Dec. 7th 14.30 UTC] BR Place: #ubuntu-meeting
- Designing use cases testing procedures
Some work done at AccessibilityTesting
- Coordinating the building of a testing derivative
Possible documentation project: Ubuntufying the [ Abilitynet skill-sheets]?
- Bounty Ideas -- we should put some ideas forward and advertise them
- High visibility theme
- X-10 support
Improved software speech synthesis support. See: SpeechSynthesisProposal
- Setting up
- Do we want/need this?
- Some work has been done on accessibility themes
- Do we want to participate in the Massachusetts ODF campaign?
- Producing and distributing the AT-by-default derivative
Previous topics
Nov 23rd
Discussion about AccessibilityTeamGoals