
Revision 8 as of 2012-01-08 18:01:22

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Critique helps too!

  • Thank you for your support, I appreciate it Smile :)

Endorsements for Ubuntu Membership:

  • Ahmed is a tireless contributor, translator, and bug triager. His work for the Papercuts project is great, and he is very valuable to the project. He is also very active in spreading Ubuntu in his region (Egypt) and is active with the Egyptian LoCo. I feel he deserves Ubuntu membership. -- Bilal Akhtar

  • Ahmed's unique qualities, attention to details, dedication has been of great benefit for our team. Since the very first day he joined he always pushed the team in the direction where it can be more free, trying to keep the team morale in it's highest levels. He always helps people out in our different channels(facebook, IRC ..etc). And one of the most remarkable things, that shows his dedication, is that he travels for more than 2 hrs just to get to a meeting with the team! Currently he is a member of the Egyptian Ubuntu Council. I think he deserves to become an official Ubuntu member. -- Ahmed Toulan

  • Ahmed Shams is one if not the most enthusiastic Ubuntu EG team members. He is the most dedicated person to spread Ubuntu in Egypt. He is very down to earth and communicative, making discussion with him very pleasant for new Egyptian community members. He is always on IRC helping out everybody in need. He is by far the Ubuntu-EG person I enjoy interacting with. Other than his work on Ubuntu-EG I have been walking him though some bugs in Zeitgeist so he can help us with bug management.

Definitely a +1 from me Smile :) -- Seif Lotfy