
Revision 7 as of 2006-11-29 10:26:50

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Launchpad ID:

[ AlanPope]


popey or pontifex on


MailTo(alan AT popey DOT com)

About Me

I'm a 34 year old father of two living in [ Farnborough], [ Hampshire] in the [ UK]. I've been using Linux for about 5 years or so and run a mix of Ubuntu (desktops/laptops) and Debian Sarge (servers/firewalls) at home. I work in London and actively help out with my local Linux User Groups as well as help finance the hosting of the mail/web server.

I installed Ubuntu when Warty came out and now have a mixture of machines running Dapper, Edgy and Feisty.

Things I do for Ubuntu


Wiki pages I have helped maintain

External Stuff

Future Work

  • I'd like to expand on the training side of Ubuntu by developing more screencasts
  • I have a few ideas for applications that I would like developed and would like to write specifications for those and/or develop the apps myself - time permitting.