
Revision 4 as of 2008-01-03 22:58:51

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About Me

My name is Andrew Williams, i'm a 26 year old Helpdesk Analyst living in [wiki:WikiPedia/Widnes Widnes], Cheshire. I've used Linux on and off since the early Slackware days of '96, for a long period I used Debian then moved over to Ubuntu.


  • Web Design, XHTML/CSS, Adobe Photoshop CS2.
  • Development, C#, TCL, PHP.
  • System Admin, LAMP, eJabberd, Unreal IRCD, Anope IRC Services
  • Customer Support

Current Projects

I'm currently working on a few odd projects:

  • [ RavenClaw], a C# Mono/.Net pluggable MUD engine (pre-alpha).

  • CDDB (name not decided), a CD catalogue system wrote in Ruby On Rails.
  • Piston Support Desk, s concept support software wrote in Ruby On Rails.

Outside of Ubuntu