
Revision 6 as of 2006-05-10 11:49:52

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Greetings K/X/Ed/Ubuntu-ites!

I'm Scott (a/k/a angrykeyboarder).

Linux Experience

I've been a Linux user and enthusiast (on and off) since 1999. I started first with [ Mandrake] (now known as [ Mandriva]), then [ RedHat] and [ SUSE]. Then I went on a "hiatus" for a few years came back in 2004 starting off on [ Fedora Core 3] and after that, [ Ubuntu] and [ Kubuntu] Hoary followed by Breezy and now, Dapper. I have also used [ Debian] (both [ "Sid"] and [ Etch (testing)] ) and [ Fedora Core] 4 and 5 over the past past several months (as of this writing).

That just reinforced what a great distribution Ubuntu is. Although the geek in me likes to toy around, so I'll probably end up adding something later to the mix. Regardless, I can't see myself abandoning Ubuntu/Kubuntu. There is too much going for it. Frankly one of the best things is the unbeatable community. They are great.

I'm not a coder or programmer, but I seem to be able to answer newbie questions quite well and try to help out when I can in the [ forums] and on the [ mailing lists] etc.

As of this writing (10 May 2006) I'm running Dapper (with Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu installed). I spend most of my time in either KDE or GNOME. I can't decide which of the two I like better, so I decided not to decide. Wink ;-) Although I do lean ever-so-slightly toward KDE. I also dual-boot with Windows XP Professional because well...there are a few things that Windows still does better and I actually hold no ill will toward the OS. It's pretty good actually (shh..keep tht on the DL. It goes [ against the grain] of a lot of Linux people)..

In any event, the geek in me likes the flexibility you get with Linux. I spent 9/10 of my computer time in Linux.

My Box

Speaking of Dual-Booting. This is the [ box] I'm talking about.

And knowoing me, I may end up with another couple of Linux distros and FreeBSD on it as well. Besides I've got more hard drive space than I know what to do with.

Wiki Contributions

Other Community Contributions

I'm a regular on these mailing lists:

And in the [ web forum] as well.


Computers, Software, Internet, Theatre, Music, Politics, Current Events, Commercial Aviation. I blog/journal quite a bit (although I go throuh phases were I'm not in the mood.). You will find links to some of my various blogs/journals on my [ web site] (which I desperatley need to update.

Since this is a Wiki, that reminds me, probably the best "bio" I have on the [ Internets™] at the moment is on [ Wikipedia]. It's my [ User Page].

Mj Job, or lack thereof

I am presently unemployed (for reasons you can read about on my [ Wikipedia Page] but eventully I hope to go to school and get some training and/or a degree in the IT field. I'd like to work in said field in some capacity (what I'm not sure). Most of my previous work experience has been in the travel/call center industry.

Contact Info
