
Revision 1 as of 2010-03-16 12:22:54

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=Argentina - GlobalJam=

Propongo esta wiki para ir poniendo los avances en la organizaciĆ³n

Bugs - finding, triaging and fixing bugs. *Lugar de Reunion: *Coordinador: *Participantes: Mariano (Rex)

Testing - testing the new release and reporting your feedback. *Lugar de Reunion: *Coordinador: *Participantes: Mariano (Rex)

Upgrade - upgrading to Lucid from Hardy or Karmic and reporting your upgrade experience. *Lugar de Reunion: *Coordinador: *Participantes:

Documentation - writing documentation about how to use Ubuntu and how to join the community. *Lugar de Reunion: *Coordinador: *Participantes:

Translations - translating Ubuntu and helping to make it available in everyone's local language. *Lugar de Reunion: *Coordinador: *Participantes:

Packaging - work on Ubuntu packages and improve them. *Lugar de Reunion: *Coordinador: *Participantes:

Other - other types of contribution such as marketing, packaging, advocacy, take pictures of the jam, bring us beer, make pizza, etc. *Lugar de Reunion: *Coordinador: *Participantes: