
  1. Newsletter


Ubuntu-Arizona LoCo Team - The Hottest LoCo on Earth


Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #9 for the week July 18 - July 25 , 2007.

Next meeting: Sunday July 22, 2007 9:00PM Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona

Last Sunday's meeting was a good one. We had two more new members, Paul aka paul928 and John aka nichpet. John lives in Flagstaff and attends NAU. He has 10 experience with different Linux distros. Paul wasn't around for the start of the meeting, but we should have some more information on him after next weeks meeting.

The Ubuntu Live Conference in Portland ended on Tuesday, and looked to be a big success. I hung out in the IRC Channel #ubuntulive while the conference was going on, and tried to follow everything that was going on. There were lots of talks, instructionals, and a lot of people getting to know each other both at the conference and afterward at pubs and eating establishments. It looked like most everyone had laptops and were plugged into the existing wifi set up for the conference. So there was a lot of crosstalk between rooms and exhibitions. All in all it looked like everyone was having a great time.

Ian McEwen is going to try and get our CafePress set up this week. For those who don't know, CafePress will take anyones logo and then offer it on Tshirts, Polos, coffee mugs, hats, etc. Really just about anything so that our team can show off its pride in the Ubuntu-Arizona Team. I'm looking forward to dropping a few bucks myself. Thanks Ian!

The Tucson members are having a meet up this Saturday at the east Speedway Bookmans. Any member is welcome to join us. I want to encourage the Phoenix members to put together something similar so that they can start putting a IRC nick to a face. I am also hoping we can have a state wide meeting of our members sometime before school starts in the fall.

Summary of last meeting July 22, 2007

The meeting started with introductions of the two new members listed above and it seems like the group is growing by leaps and bounds! Good job all and welcome to the new members.

Ian had an announcement where John and Ian have started up some blogs with worldpress and you can look at them by going to Johnc4510 for John's and Ian and for Ian's. There is no obligation to join these, but stopping by would be appreciated.

Br24 has been visiting with many other teams to see how they run their team and how to help improve how our team is run. Michigan has just started up and everyone is encouraged to stop by and say hello, and br24 will be stopping by the Pennsylvania team who just received to team approval.

Br24 is continuing to work on the education page and is creating email clients and a beginner FAQ page to help make the transitions much easier for new people. As always, br24 is open to all suggestions and would love to hear what you all think.

DX01 (who is the same person as DX00) has received the good CD-ROM drive so the OS can be installed on our server here soon. They are trying to schedule a date when they can go down there and have some time to work on the server.

Jacob2440 (me) is running into so rather thick walls with the donations and getting our group tax-exempt status and is working with John to see if there is a nation account number we can use and hopefully we can get this straightened out here soon.

All members that are either new or have yet to do so, please look at the following links for our Local Ubuntu Team. The first site Team Approval Outline is where you can see the goals that our group needs to meet in order to get team approval from the national Ubuntu group. The second site Team Approval Resources is where you will find all the different areas we need people to volunteer to help get the local team ready for approval. Any help big or small would be appreciated.

Thank you for all the help and support and hopefully I will see all of you next weekend. Be safe and don't melt in the rain!

ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/07July29 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:47 by localhost)