LibreOffice Artwork
Sponsor: LibreOffice Community
Date: Thu, Nov 25, 2010
On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 10:58, j_baer <baerjj@gmail.com> wrote: > Thank you for showing your support with your submission for this important > community project.
+1 indeed
The input from you guys of Ubuntu Artwork is bringing really valuable results in the LibO project.
Thanks for all your support, too, John. Your goodwill and ideas were what got the whole thing moving in the first place.
Thorsten, your creative and organisational proposals are very valuable for LibO.
If you have time, guys, I hope it will be an on-going thing.
Please do persevere, even in the face of any inertia you encounter.
David Nelson
Date: Thu, Nov 18, 2010
Team Member: Thorsten Wilms
Wow, Thorsten.
Now this is something we can work with. Tomorrow I will try to integrate this into the wiki, and as I have some time free I will launch into designing an artwork workflow and publication system that complies with your requests.
Thank you very much for this very specific feedback, you will not be disappointed with the outcome.
If anyone else has proposals like this, the Drupal website design team is more than willing to bend over backwards to accommodate your requests. Keep them coming
Michael Wheatland
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