
Revision 1 as of 2008-02-23 21:42:30

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When we think of the word "fruity" in a sense of color, we think of diverse and bright colors. The goal of this theme is to embed these colors into the Ubuntu UI and think outside of the standard white-ish or grey-ish themes that we see too often in most desktop environments.


The artwork should be colorful and distinct, with a mix of reds, blues, greens, and yellows. Smooth, glossy textures would be ideal. Buttons and message windows should also be very visible. Warning messages should be very clear and apparent, so that the user will know what is happening easily. For example, a window with a red tint could be an error, a window with a yellow tint could be a warning, and a window with a faint blue tint could be misc. info.

Anchor(Palette) Palette

Don't have one yet. The ideal palette would consist of lots of bright, vibrant colors.

Anchor(ConceptArt) Concept Art

[attachment:fruitywallpaper.png Fullsize] Image by Codecrazy


[wiki:/?action=AttachFile Attach File]



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