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Revision 5 as of 2008-06-15 14:11:56
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Editor: cpc1-port6-0-0-cust582
Revision 6 as of 2008-06-15 20:39:37
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Editor: cpc1-port6-0-0-cust582
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Navigation(slides) Navigation(siblings,1)


Being a shy but elegant animal, the platypus is often ignored by the Ubuntu artwork community. This must not go on. We need art that can bring the characteristics of this wonderful little animal to Ubuntu.


The platypus, is shy, cute and dangerous. An interesting mix. The artwork should be in adorable colours, with a few small, menacing areas. Mostly orange and pink. Touches of danger, can be expressed in small, dark, shapes difficult to define. Make them reminscent of the poisonous hind spur in shape.

Anchor(ConceptArt) Concept Art

Run application is in focus here. This is a good basic feel of how I think things should be. The cursor is there literally for context - I'm not suggesting changing cursor theme.


[attachment:espresso1.png Fullsize] Image by Keithamus

Progress bars are detailed and colourful - to give the user something to look at while waiting. The rest of the widgets provide no strong colour, but are different enough from the window frame to "pop". Selected buttons (like tabs, or checkboxes) draw more attention to themselves with a slight tinge of orange - the user most likely will want to pay attention to what they're agreeing to, or what where they are (what tab).


[attachment:espresso2.png Fullsize] Image by Keithamus

This is a mockup of the start bar, which I think everyone can agree needs work. When you first open it, it shows up the 3 most used applications, and focuses the search bar.


[attachment:espresso3.png Fullsize] Image by Keithamus

When searching, results come up and the first result is selected (but the searchbar is still focused). Pressing enter can then run the selected result (so, in effect, I could hit start, type "firefox" hit enter, and be running firefox). This is the quicksilver/gnome-do/krunner/raptor style of launching things, which I think is very efficient.


[attachment:espresso4.png Fullsize] Image by Keithamus

These can, of course, easily be extended to other distributions, perhaps to create a solid branding across official ubuntu distros?


[attachment:espresso_studio.png Fullsize] Image by Keithamus


[wiki:/?action=AttachFile Attach File]



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Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Espresso (last edited 2008-08-14 11:53:17 by 130)