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Humanity Icons

elementary icons is one of the most recognized and influential icon themes in the open source world. Of the consistently highest rated themes on gnome-look.org at least two (Gnome-Colors and Erectus) are spin offs of elementary icons. This means that the people have already voted positively on the design featured in elementary. Xubuntu already features one of the Gnome-Colors icon themes. This means that developers have also chosen this design. So, why not feature an elementary variant in Ubuntu?


Humanity is about Usability. It's about giving the user the clearest possible view of their desktop. Humanity features clear, consistent, concise metaphors that will never leave a user clueless. Everything, from color to shape to placement has been thought out in extreme detail. Humanity is more than just art, it's design.

Humanity is about Practicality. Every icon in Humanity is drawn and saved in Scalable Vector format. That means clearer icons, even in between standard sizes. That also means smaller file sizes. Humanity icons sits in at a mere 1.4MB, yet is one of the most complete themes available and includes easily twice as many icons as Ubuntu's current theme, which sits in a 1.1MB.

Humanity is about Constant Evolution. Humanity is so carefully optimized with each revision that it continues to grow in content and shrink in file size with every release. In the last two years elementary has more than quadrupled its content and dropped its file size by 75%. Humanity, being built on elementary, inherits this strength. Humanity is also scrutinized by a number of peer review tests including review by artists working on the elementary project, developers working on GNOME Do and Ubuntu itself, and the famous "girlfriend/boyfriend test".


WARNING: The following package is a preview release that is not entirely complete. It is meant to give a snapshot of Humanity icons and should not be judged as a final product.

Humanity 2.1 Tarball

To checkout the latest revision of Humanity:

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Type, "bzr branch lp:humanity ~/.icons/humanity"
  3. Humanity icon theme should be available in your Appearance preferences.

To update your copy of Humanity:

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Type, "cd ~/.icons/humanity && bzr pull"

Click Here to Report Bugs in Humanity

Human Comparison

Nautilus Toolbar


Nautilus Sidebar


Default User Folders


Places Menu


Bottom Panel



I have to say, I just love these new icons and they far exceeded my expectations for whatever it was I thought Karmic was going to be. A few things though:

Again, good work and keep it up. dsavi 2024-07-27 18:21:18

I fear that having all the set in SVG may cause performance penalties. Besides, read jimmac ("Why SVG is not the best can opener") : "Bitmaps are not going to die. For toolbar and menu icons (16×16 px and 24×24 px), they are faster to produce and simply look better." http://jimmac.musichall.cz/log/?p=177 I'm not sure there is a need for svg at 16×16 px and 24×24 px ? antistress 2024-07-27 18:21:18

These are really well done. I found only one icon that I didn't really like in the screenshots, and that is the one for recent documents. The arrow on the clock is straight, tangent to the circle; it should be curving around the clock like the arrow in the older icon was. Overall, though, this is great work, and many of the new icons really are noticeably more practical than the older ones! 2024-07-27 18:21:18

* Vote for it: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/19658 Solution #9


Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Humanity_Icons (last edited 2009-10-02 23:51:38 by smurf)