
Revision 28 as of 2009-04-05 09:47:58

Clear message

There is currently no meeting scheduled.

All meetings happened in #ubuntu-meeting at

Friday, September 12th, 2008 at 19:00 UTC

19:00 UTC around the world


March 8th, 2008, 21:00 UTC

21:00 UTC around the world


  • GDM
    • getting the bg inline with the wallpaper
    • new icons
  • GTK
    • tweaking the gtk themes / progress
    • discussing clearlooks vs. murrine
    • Wallpaper tweaks
    • Discussing current state
    • Ideas for moving forward
  • ICONS Needed!
    • Update icon in Human style for panel
    • Scale and Expose icons
    • General state of human refresh and simple panel icons
  • 8.10
    • Discuss current ideas and how to move forward

January 10th, 2008, 18:00 UTC

18:00 UTC around the world


  • Theme/Icons roadmap for hardy and hardy+1
    • (It looks like we should talk about the next 2 default themes)
  • Art direction
    • If it stands by then, to fill in the gaps, clear things up. Otherwise it's only the question: When?
      • Client and decision making process
      • Audience
      • Background information, statistics
      • The competition as context
      • where do we stand?
      • Where do we want to be?
    • Strategic goals
    • Message
      • possible means to bring it across
    • Already made decisions about style
    • Technical limitations, if we want to push some, can we? how?
      • per-pixel alpha
      • menus with rounded corners
      • unified window/menu-bar, menu and toolbar in one row
    • Schedule (also above)
    • Involvement:
      • Where/how list members can and should actually get involved
    • Do any of the mockups contain suitable elements?
  • Theme teams
