
Revision 26 as of 2006-06-05 18:39:38

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Official Logo and Artwork

The Ubuntu logo may be used in one of the formats linked below. Please refer to the [ trademark policy] for information regarding permission and correct usage of the logo.

Note that:

  • With the release of Ubuntu 5.04, the logo evolved slightly. Specifically, the word Ubuntu is now black, rather than the navy blue of its original form. The black text is now the officially sanctioned version.
  • Below are versions of the logo with and without the strapline "linux for human beings" and by itself and set in a white lozenge.
  • The Ubuntu logo should be used in the correct orientation, i.e.
    • Don't rotate the circular device so that a round "head" is at the top
    • Don't rotate the entire logo so that the word Ubuntu is on an angle - it should read straight, left to right.
  • If you are using the logo, please use one of these officially approved versions.

In .png format (primarily for online use)

In .svg format (primarily for online use)

In .ico format

In .eps format (primarily for physical use)


RGB / HTML colours, for online use

  • Orange: 255 99 9 / FF6309
  • Yellow: 255 181 21 / FFB515
  • Red: 201 0 22 / C90016

Pantone / CMYK colours for physical format use

  • Orange: pantone 158C / C0 M61 Y97 K0
  • Yellow: pantone 1235C / C0 M29 Y91 K0
  • Red: pantone 186C / C0 M100 Y81 K4

Ubuntu Palette

When you are designing icons for Ubuntu, here's a colour palette to assist you in a variety of formats:

  • [attachment:ubuntu-palette-linux.gpl Gimp Palette] (for Linux)
  • [attachment:ubuntu-palette.gpl Gimp Palette] (for Windows)
  • [ Photoshop Swatch] (From AaronWaite)

  • [attachment:ubuntu-palette.ace Adobe Exchangeable Swatch]
  • [attachment:ubuntu-palette.png PNG format]
  • [attachment:ubuntu-palette.svg SVG format]

User Contributed Artwork

User contributed artwork is currently stored on the CommunityArtwork page.

Before contributing artwork, please be sure to check the [ trademark policy] for correct usage of the logo.

For some discussion around Ubuntu artwork, there is an UbuntuArtworkDiscussion page that contains some older dicussion along these lines.

Of particular note is [:WebsiteButtons:this group of buttons] created by AaronWaite that you can put on your website to show your appreciation for Ubuntu.

Also of note is the [:ServerBanners:server banners] created by ShawnChristopher that you can place on your site to show your server runs on Ubuntu.

Feedback Regarding Ubuntu Artwork

To view or provide first-hand observations or useful opinions regarding Ubuntu artwork go to the [:Artwork/Feedback:Artwork/Feedback] page.

Kubuntu Artwork

In .png format (primarily for online use)

In .svg format (primarily for online use)

In .eps format (primarily for physical format use)

Official artwork for ["Kubuntu"] is available here on the KubuntuArtwork page.

Edubuntu Artwork

In .png format (primarily for online use)

In .svg format (primarily for online use)

In .eps format (primarily for physical format use)

Official artwork for ["Edubuntu"] is available here on the EdubuntuArtwork page.

Xubuntu Artwork

Official artwork for ["Xubuntu"] is available here on the XubuntuArtwork page.

Marketing Materials

See ["DIYMarketing"] for artwork for CDs and various promotional material.