Lubuntu Natty Wallpaper


Lubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative which is targeted at "normal" PC and laptop users running on low-spec hardware. Such users may not know how to use command line tools, and in most cases they just don't have enough resources for all the bells and whistles of the "full-featured" mainstream distributions.

Although considered to be minimalistic when compared to other Linux graphical desktops, the emphasis is the wise use of resources with targeted functionality in order to maximize efficiency on older and new hardware platforms.


We want to express performance but not at the expense of design. The desired result is nimble, light, and adequate.


Some of these could be abstracted to shapes and colors.


The Lubuntu palette is blue and the desire of the community is to honor this palette in your design. The wallpaper will have to go well with the panels, windows and icons (as far as they appear on the desktop). Its use of color has to support the impression of lightness and performance, without becoming a distraction in day-to-day use.




Artwork/Specs/0008_Lubuntu_Natty_Wallpaper (last edited 2011-01-24 09:13:28 by p4FFB4EF5)