
This is the home page for the Official Australian Ubuntu Local Community Team. We also exist on Launchpad.


The Australian team focuses on distributing, advertising and demonstrating Ubuntu within Australia. Through the development of our projects we focus on the areas of schools, business and home users.


Team Contact

If you wish to find out further information regarding the Australian Team, its projects and membership information, the current contact for the group is YukiCuss.


We have two major places to communicate:

  1. #ubuntu, #ubuntu-au on irc.freenode.net:6667 Via Shoutbox in your browser

  2. ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com; to subscribe, see https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au.


The Australian Team meets fortnightly on Mondays. The next scheduled meeting is at 24 July 2006, 1000UTC in #ubuntu-au. For the agendas for the next and previous meetings, as well as logs of previous meetings, please see AustralianTeam/Meetings.

IRC Operators

The current operators on the #ubuntu-au irc channel are: Yukicuss | Fujitsu | Kamping_Kaiser | Elkbuntu | Siccness


The list of members is on the Members page.

You can also see our Frappr! Group Map at http://www.frappr.com/UbuntuAustralianTeam . A current list of user group affiliations can also be found on the members page.

We have a flickr page (photo resource) for Ubuntu Australia at http://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntuau/. Please post all pictures from all Ubuntu Australia related events.

If you're an Aussie user of Ubuntu and you want to join the AustralianTeam, feel free to add yourself to the map and member list. A preliminary guide for new members or those interested in joining can be found on the New Members page.


The Ubuntu Australian Team is currently developing a few key projects to help promote and raise awareness of Ubuntu in Australia.

Key projects that are currently being developed include:

Ubuntu Friendly Notebooks - a guide to purchasing Ubuntu Friendly Notebooks in Australia.

For further information on these projects please see the Projects page.


The current ubuntu-au logo was decided upon at the April 4 meeting. Designs, submissions and thoughts for the logo can be viewed on the Logo page. Logo #7 was chosen as the official Ubuntu-au logo.

Local CD distribution

APC Magazine (August edition) has Ubuntu 6.06 LTS on its DVD-ROM \o/ .

It works exactly like the Dapper Desktop CD - Live Environment with GUI installer. A DVD reader is required though (of course).

Customising Ubuntu

Our Customisation page describes ways to customise Ubuntu for Australian conditions. Also see our local apt mirrors page - LocalAptMirrors



Australian Ubuntu Local Community Team

Mailing List



AustralianTeam/Archives/Old (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:25 by localhost)