Full Meeting Logs



Items from previous Minutes

New Items


An article on "Dapper Drake" that mentioned the Australian team in APC magazine was discussed. If anyone has pictures from any of the dapper launch parties please make yourself known. Xice has sent a pic of himself to APC in the meantime, this was agreed apon by the group.

There was discussion on a "professional courtesy letter" This can be found via https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/courtesy The group decided that letter would come in handy in the future but would not be used in current discussions regarding an article with APC

According to survey results, Monday nights beat Tuesday nights as the preferred meeting time. Some discussion was made about changing the time to 8:30pm, but it was agreed to leave the time as 8pm for the time being

Capitalization of the Ubuntu-Au phrase was discussed. Ubuntu-Au won.

A new look and feel for the wiki homepage was discussed. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/New was proposed and agreed apon by the group. So the old wiki page would be changed to look like the new version, with some adjustment of the watermark to make the text easier to read (if this is possible)

Next meeting

Monday 24th July 06 at 8pm

AustralianTeam/Meetings/2006Jul11 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:32:08 by localhost)