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March 8, 2011
* Meeting chairperson - Ryan Macnish (nisshh)
- Roll Call
- Ubuntu-AU Team Forum
I would just like to confirm that the consensus is that the prefix for the team forum should be and that Phlosten & ikt are both still willing to be moderators - JaredNorris (head_victim)
- Ubuntu Global Jam
Is there anyone else available to help organise some sort of event to contribute to the UbuntuGlobalJam ? - check out the wiki page for more information - UbuntuGlobalJam - JaredNorris (head_victim)
- What topics do people want me to do a classroom session on? I only have a couple of replies on the mailing list and dont want to do a topic that only 1 person out of 15 people wants.
- Natty Narwhal Release Parties
It's time to start thinking about the Natty Narwhal Release Parties! Organise one in your area now and email the list to make sure we all know about it. A discussion of best dates would be good. - JaredNorris (head_victim)
- Loco.Ubuntu.Com
Discuss the use of The Loco Directory Team Page for our team.