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March 8, 2011


* Meeting chairperson - Ryan Macnish (nisshh)

  • Roll Call
  • Ubuntu-AU Team Forum
    • I would just like to confirm that the consensus is that the prefix for the team forum should be au.ubuntuforums.org and that Phlosten & ikt are both still willing to be moderators - JaredNorris (head_victim)

  • Ubuntu Global Jam
    • Is there anyone else available to help organise some sort of event to contribute to the UbuntuGlobalJam ? - check out the wiki page for more information - UbuntuGlobalJam - JaredNorris (head_victim)

    • What topics do people want me to do a classroom session on? I only have a couple of replies on the mailing list and dont want to do a topic that only 1 person out of 15 people wants.
  • Natty Narwhal Release Parties
    • It's time to start thinking about the Natty Narwhal Release Parties! Organise one in your area now and email the list to make sure we all know about it. A discussion of best dates would be good. - JaredNorris (head_victim)

  • Loco.Ubuntu.Com

IRC Logs

AustralianTeam/Meetings/2011March8 (last edited 2011-03-09 07:16:26 by CPE-121-208-64-131)