
This is not the main AutoFsck page, that is at the page AutoFsck. This page is the spec which is linked to by the Launchpad blueprint. If you wish to see end user information, or download and use AutoFsck, please visit the main page.


AutoFsck a script which automates periodic disk checking in such a way that it no longer bothers the user every 30 boots, and is streamlined in a friendly graphical user interface.

AutoFsck ensures that the automatic disk check will no longer inconvenience you by making your boot times very long.


The automatic 30 mount fsck is time consuming, but needed. The problem is that the user never knows how close they are to hitting the 30 mounts, so the long boot delay may come at a very inconvenient time.

Use Cases

Peter doesn't know that he has not run fsck for a while. He has prepared a presentation with Open Office and just turned on his laptop to show it. Peter boots up quickly, gives his presentation and then starts to shut down his laptop. At this point he is told that his disks are signalling that they need checking and asked if he would like it to run the checks when he shuts down. He knows he isn't in a rush so he says yes. His laptop runs fsck and then powers down.

Jane is a student who runs Ubuntu on her laptop. She is late for a lecture and needs to get up and running quickly. AutoFsck makes sure that fsck isn't run on boot. When she shuts down after the lacture she is asked if she would like to run fsck, she is rushing off to the next lecture and so doesn't have time to wait, she selects no. When she shuts down after the next lecture she is prompted again, again she is in a rush and selects no. After using her laptop in the evening, she is prompted a third time, and knowing that she has nowhere urgent to go, says yes. Her laptop runs fsck and powers down.

Melanie runs Ubuntu on her desktop. She needs to quickly copy a file to her USB drive to take to University with her. She copies the file and clicks 'shut down'. She is asked if she wants the computer to run fsck, knowing that she is leaving the house and doesn't need it any more, she says yes, as she leaves it is running fsck and shutting down.

NOTE: The prompt will not refer to fsck, but to checking disks for errors, or something equally user friendly.

Inclusion in Ubuntu

From the activity on the forums regarding the annoyance of the forced disk checks, I feel that AutoFsck, or at least something with it's functionality should be included in the main Ubuntu Distribution as a dependency of Ubuntu-Desktop (as it is of dubious use on the server etc).

The project aim is to include AutoFsck in Gusty Gibbon (7.10)

Technical Details

Coming soon for v3.1

Feedback, Suggestions, Comments etc

If you have any feedback, suggestions or comments, please post them below or email me;


PLEASE NOTE - I have removed all comments which made suggestions which have been implemented in 2.0 and 2.5. Similarly, I have removed all comments which are no longer relevant or no longer make sense.

AutoFsckspec (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:43 by localhost)