
Revision 18 as of 2009-04-18 07:44:20

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This page describes how to install a Jaunty beta image to a babbage board.

Image writing

First of all you need to dd the image from to an SD card

sudo dd bs=4M if=./ubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-armel+imx51.img of=/dev/mmcblk0

(assuming your SD card is called /dev/mmcblk0)

Starting the live system

Plug the SD card into the SD card slot of your babbage board, you need a USB mass storage device (e.g. USB key or disk) as target device attached, or a SATA disk attached.

Starting the installer

Now just doubleclick the "Install" icon on the desktop and follow the normal install procedure.

Warning /!\ Note that it's hard to install to the SD card (/dev/mmcblk0) itself, you would have to create the partitions manually yourself first; it's preferable to install to an USB mass storage device or to a SATA disk instead.

After installation

You need to leave your SD card in the board as the boot device: the babbage currently only boots from SD. It will load your target installed system.