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Ubuntu Join in the community: Become a Member | Chat on IRC in #ubuntu-au on Ubuntu

Ubuntu-BD IRC

Like many other Ubuntu teams, Ubuntu-BD uses IRC as a form of communication. Most of the communication outside of the Mailing List and Forum, as well as the monthly Ubuntu-BD meetings, take place in the Ubuntu-BD IRC channels:

Our IRC channel is #ubuntu-au (In your browser). Apart from the monthly meeting, members are encouraged to take part in the channel by discussing about the community or providing support/solutions to the newcomers.

Anyone can connect to the Ubuntu-BD IRC channel using IRC clients such as Pidgin Internet Messenger (Formerly Gaim) or XChat, by pointing your client to and joining the channel ubuntu-bd.

Freenode prefers users to connect on the non-standard port of 8001 to prevent DCC problems that can disconnect users Routers from the Internet. Please use this port especially if you are unable to update your Router's firmware to the latest available.

Channel Guidelines

While in the Ubuntu-BD IRC channels (and in any Ubuntu channel) you are expected to abide by the Ubuntu Code of Conduct (CoC). Most of what is applicable to the IRC Channels can be summarised as follows (taken from

  • Be respectful. The Ubuntu community and its members treat one another with respect. Everyone can make a valuable contribution to Ubuntu. We may not always agree, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behaviour and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into a personal attack. It's important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. We expect members of the Ubuntu community to be respectful when dealing with other contributors as well as with people outside the Ubuntu project, and with users of Ubuntu.


If you need to share output from your system with other people in the channel and it's more than 1 or 2 lines long, you should use a pastebin; is a good one to use.

Channel Logs

Logs of #ubuntu-au are available here (The logging bot has a nick beginning with 'LoCoBot').


The Ubuntu-BD team meetings are scheduled to take place in #ubuntu-bd monthly, to be prcisely, first thursday of each month at 09:00 PM BDST (GMT+6). More details can be found on the Meetings Page. Anyone is welcome to drop in for the meetings, even if only to eavesdrop!


IRC Ops are people in an IRC channel who have extra privileges and responsibilities. They are the people to call for any trouble in a channel. To get their attention, type !ops into the channel.

If there are no ops around you can try contacting a Freenode staffer.