
Attachment 'oneiric-pysupport.txt'


   1 alacarte
   2 at-spi
   3 avahi
   4 boost1.42
   5 brltty
   6 cheetah
   7 cracklib2
   8 dbus-python
   9 desktopcouch
  10 devhelp
  11 dia
  12 dnspython
  13 epydoc
  14 file
  15 fontforge
  16 gamin
  17 gconf
  18 gedit
  19 genetic
  20 genshi
  21 gimp
  22 glade
  23 glade-3
  24 gnome-applets
  25 gnome-desktop
  26 gnome-games
  27 gnome-menus
  28 gnome-orca
  29 gnome-python-desktop
  30 graphviz
  31 gtk-vnc
  32 hplip
  33 ibus
  34 ibus-anthy
  35 ibus-hangul
  36 ibus-pinyin
  37 ibus-table
  38 jackd2
  39 kdeadmin
  40 kdebase-workspace
  41 kdebindings
  42 kdeutils
  43 landscape-client
  44 lcms
  45 libcap-ng
  46 libffado
  47 libftdi
  48 libgpod
  49 libieee1284
  50 liblouis
  51 libproxy
  52 librsvg
  53 libtunepimp
  54 libubuntuone
  55 libvoikko
  56 libxml2
  57 libxslt
  58 m2crypto
  59 mailman
  60 mklibs
  61 moin
  62 nose
  63 notify-python
  64 ocfs2-tools
  65 openbabel
  66 paramiko
  67 pilot-link
  68 protobuf
  69 pyasn1
  70 pycairo
  71 pycurl
  72 pyflakes
  73 pygoocanvas
  74 pyicu
  75 pyogg
  76 pyorbit
  77 python-boto
  78 python-cddb
  79 python-cups
  80 python-daemon
  81 python-dateutil
  82 python-django
  83 python-formencode
  84 python-geoip
  85 python-gtkspell
  86 python-lockfile
  87 python-minimock
  88 python-mock
  89 python-mysqldb
  90 python-numpy
  91 python-psutil
  92 python-pylibacl
  93 python-pyxattr
  94 python-qt4
  95 python-smbc
  96 python-uniconvertor
  97 python-vobject
  98 pyvorbis
  99 pywebkitgtk
 100 pyxdg
 101 qscintilla2
 102 rdflib
 103 rhythmbox
 104 rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store
 105 rrdtool
 106 sabayon
 107 scgi
 108 sessioninstaller
 109 sip4
 110 smart
 111 strigi
 112 subversion
 113 talloc
 114 tdb
 115 tickcount
 116 totem
 117 ubuntu-sso-client
 118 ubuntuone-client
 119 ubuntuone-control-panel
 120 urlgrabber
 121 userconfig
 122 virt-manager
 123 virtinst
 124 vte
 125 xcb-proto
 126 zeitgeist
 127 zeitgeist-extensions
 128 dynagen
 129 gns3
 130 playonlinux
 131 pycg
 132 pyopencl
 133 python-cogent
 134 sapgui-package
 135 skype4py
 136 vmtk
 137 aafigure
 138 adonthell
 139 agtl
 140 amara
 141 angrydd
 142 apertium-tolk
 143 apt-forktracer
 144 aptfs
 145 archivemail
 146 arcjobtool
 147 astk
 148 atheist
 149 aubio
 150 audit
 151 avant-window-navigator
 152 backintime
 153 balazar
 154 balazarbrothers
 155 balder2d
 156 ball
 157 bauble
 158 bdii
 159 bitbake
 160 bitpim
 161 blender
 162 boost-mpi-source1.42
 163 bpython
 164 brian
 165 bup
 166 burn
 167 buxon
 168 canto
 169 catwalk
 170 cedar-backup2
 171 cerealizer
 172 cfflib
 173 cfv
 174 cherokee
 175 cherrypy3
 176 childsplay
 177 chm2pdf
 178 clearsilver
 179 cnetworkmanager
 180 cobbler
 181 coccinelle
 182 codespeak-lib
 183 codeville
 184 conduit
 185 config-manager
 186 controlaula
 187 convertall
 188 convirt
 189 couchapp
 190 cpushare
 191 crossfire-maps
 192 cvs2svn
 193 cwiid
 194 cx-freeze
 195 cyphesis-cpp
 196 cython
 197 d-rats
 198 dconf
 199 deap
 200 debgtd
 201 debpartial-mirror
 202 deskbar-applet
 203 dico
 204 distcc
 205 djagios
 206 django-ajax-selects
 207 django-app-plugins
 208 django-auth-ldap
 209 django-configglue
 210 django-countries
 211 django-filter
 212 django-markupfield
 213 django-nose
 214 django-openid-auth
 215 django-picklefield
 216 django-reversion
 217 django-tables
 218 django-threaded-multihost
 219 djvusmooth
 220 dmedia
 221 dockmanager
 222 dogtail
 223 dot2tex
 224 dots
 225 doxypy
 226 dpm
 227 dragbox
 228 drmaa
 229 earcandy
 230 easyzone
 231 ecasound2.2
 232 editobj
 233 eficas
 234 eikazo
 235 elementtidy
 236 emma
 237 empcommand
 238 eog-plugins
 239 epigrass
 240 epsilon
 241 exabgp
 242 exactimage
 243 ezmlm-browse
 244 faulthandler
 245 feedparser
 246 flashbake
 247 flup
 248 fofix-dfsg
 249 fonttools
 250 forgethtml
 251 forgetsql
 252 fpconst
 253 freecad
 254 freevo
 255 freshen
 256 fso-frameworkd
 257 ftputil
 258 funkload
 259 fusil
 260 galago-gtk-python
 261 galago-python
 262 gamera
 263 gammu
 264 ganyremote
 265 gaphas
 266 gaphor
 267 gazpacho
 268 gdcm
 269 gdecrypt
 270 gdesklets
 271 gdevilspie
 272 gearman-interface
 273 geda-xgsch2pcb
 274 gedit-latex-plugin
 275 gedit-plugins
 276 getfem++
 277 getmail4
 278 gfceu
 279 git-buildpackage
 280 github-cli
 281 gitosis
 282 giws
 283 gizmod
 284 glipper
 285 gnash
 286 gnome-activity-journal
 287 gnome-dvb-daemon
 288 gnome-hearts
 289 gnome-lirc-properties
 290 gnome-mousetrap
 291 gnome-osd
 292 gnome-schedule
 293 gnome-specimen
 294 google-mock
 295 googlecl
 296 gozerbot
 297 gozerbot-plugins
 298 gpib
 299 gpixpod
 300 gpodder
 301 gpxviewer
 302 gquilt
 303 gracie
 304 greylistd
 305 grokevt
 306 groundcontrol
 307 gstreamer-dbus-media-service
 308 gtask
 309 gtk-recordmydesktop
 310 gtranslator
 311 guppy
 312 gvrng
 313 gwrite
 314 gyp
 315 h5py
 316 hachoir-core
 317 hachoir-metadata
 318 hachoir-parser
 319 hachoir-regex
 320 hachoir-subfile
 321 hachoir-urwid
 322 hachoir-wx
 323 hamlib
 324 hamster-applet
 325 hatari
 326 hg-git
 327 hgnested
 328 hgsvn
 329 hivex
 330 honeyd
 331 hotwire
 332 i2c-tools
 333 ibus-array
 334 ibus-skk
 335 ibus-tegaki
 336 ibus-xkbc
 337 imdbpy
 338 impacket
 339 imposm-parser
 340 indicator-weather
 341 indiv-screenlets
 342 indywiki
 343 inotifyx
 344 input-pad
 345 insighttoolkit
 346 iotop
 347 istanbul
 348 jack
 349 jaxml
 350 jhbuild
 351 jinja
 352 joblib
 353 jobs-admin
 354 jobservice
 355 jppy
 356 jsonbot
 357 jsonpickle
 358 k3d
 359 kabikaboo
 360 kanyremote
 361 key-mon
 362 kid
 363 kwwidgets
 364 ldns
 365 ldtp
 366 lfc
 367 libbuffy-bindings
 368 libcloud
 369 libdesktop-agnostic
 370 libfann
 371 libkate
 372 liblinear
 373 liblunar
 374 libmei
 375 libmimic
 376 libmpikmeans
 377 libpam-mklocaluser
 378 libsvm
 379 libuser
 380 lilypond
 381 linaro-image-tools
 382 lincredits
 383 liquidsoap
 384 llvm-py
 385 londonlaw
 386 lshell
 387 lunch
 388 lxkeymap
 389 mach
 390 magics++
 391 mailutils
 392 mapnik
 393 maradns
 394 matplotlib
 395 mdp
 396 medit
 397 mercurial
 398 mercurial-server
 399 mic2
 400 mimms
 401 mini-dinstall
 402 mirage
 403 miro
 404 mlpy
 405 mlt
 406 mmass
 407 mnemosyne
 408 mnemosyne-blog
 409 modestmaps-py
 410 moosic
 411 moovida
 412 moovida-plugins-bad
 413 moovida-plugins-good
 414 moovida-plugins-ugly
 415 museek+
 416 mypaint
 417 mythbuntu-log-grabber
 418 mythnettv-gui
 419 ncap
 420 ncrypt
 421 necpp
 422 netifaces
 423 netio230a
 424 nibabel
 425 nicotine
 426 nicovideo-dl
 427 ninix-aya
 428 nipy
 429 nipype
 430 nitime
 431 nodebox-web
 432 nordugrid-arc
 433 nordugrid-arc-nox
 434 ns3
 435 ntfs-config
 436 nufw
 437 nulog
 438 numexpr
 439 obmenu
 440 ocrfeeder
 441 ocrodjvu
 442 oidua
 443 oneconf
 444 ooo2dbk
 445 openbmap-logger
 446 opencv
 447 openmeeg
 448 openoffice-python
 449 openopt
 450 openpyxl
 451 openscap
 452 openshot
 453 openstv
 454 opensync
 455 openvswitch
 456 osm-gps-map
 457 ows
 458 pacparser
 459 panflute
 460 paraview
 461 pdb2pqr
 462 pdfshuffler
 463 pebl
 464 pep8
 465 pesto
 466 petsc4py
 467 pgloader
 468 pgstaging
 469 picard
 470 pinot
 471 pius
 472 pivy
 473 planner
 474 playitslowly
 475 ply
 476 pocket-lint
 477 pocketsphinx
 478 prelude-correlator
 479 prelude-notify
 480 prey
 481 pssh
 482 psychopy
 483 pudb
 484 purity-ng
 485 py-asterisk
 486 py-sendfile
 487 pyalsaaudio
 488 pybackpack
 489 pybootchartgui
 490 pybtex
 491 pycaml
 492 pychecker
 493 pychm
 494 pyclutter
 495 pycountry
 496 pycryptopp
 497 pydhcplib
 498 pydicom
 499 pydirector
 500 pydoctor
 501 pydot
 502 pyelemental
 503 pyentropy
 504 pyevolve
 505 pyfits
 506 pyfribidi
 507 pyg
 508 pygccxml
 509 pygdchart2
 510 pyglet
 511 pygpgme
 512 pygpiv
 513 pyip
 514 pykaraoke
 515 pykerberos
 516 pykickstart
 517 pylibmc
 518 pylirc
 519 pymad
 520 pymca
 521 pymetrics
 522 pymol
 523 pymssql
 524 pymt
 525 pymtp
 526 pymvpa
 527 pynagram
 528 pyneighborhood
 529 pynifti
 530 pynn
 531 pyodbc
 532 pyopengl
 533 pyoptical
 534 pype
 535 pypibrowser
 536 pyprotocols
 537 pyqwt3d
 538 pyqwt5
 539 pyrad
 540 pyrit
 541 pyrite-publisher
 542 pyroman
 543 pyscript
 544 pysesame
 545 pysieved
 546 pyspi
 547 pystatgrab
 548 pysycache
 549 python-adodb
 550 python-aiml
 551 python-anyjson
 552 python-bcrypt
 553 python-biggles
 554 python-biopython
 555 python-bitarray
 556 python-bloomfilter
 557 python-box2d
 558 python-carrot
 559 python-cdd
 560 python-cherrypy
 561 python-cjson
 562 python-coverage
 563 python-csa
 564 python-ctypeslib
 565 python-daap
 566 python-debianbts
 567 python-dingus
 568 python-django-contact-form
 569 python-django-debug-toolbar
 570 python-django-djblets
 571 python-django-dmigrations
 572 python-django-extensions
 573 python-django-filebrowser
 574 python-django-formfieldset
 575 python-django-lint
 576 python-django-nova
 577 python-django-shorturls
 578 python-django-south
 579 python-django-threadedcomments
 580 python-django-tinymce
 581 python-django-voting
 582 python-djvulibre
 583 python-dmidecode
 584 python-dsv
 585 python-ecore
 586 python-edbus
 587 python-edje
 588 python-elementary
 589 python-elements
 590 python-enum
 591 python-espeak
 592 python-evas
 593 python-event
 594 python-facebook
 595 python-fs
 596 python-gdata
 597 python-geohash
 598 python-gevent
 599 python-gflags
 600 python-glpk
 601 python-gnutls
 602 python-gudev
 603 python-hildondesktop
 604 python-ipcalc
 605 python-jswebkit
 606 python-keyczar
 607 python-kinterbasdb
 608 python-lamson
 609 python-lightblue
 610 python-lzma
 611 python-mailer
 612 python-markdown
 613 python-meld3
 614 python-mhash
 615 python-musicbrainz2
 616 python-netfilter
 617 python-nids
 618 python-nmap
 619 python-notmuch
 620 python-novaclient
 621 python-opster
 622 python-osd
 623 python-otr
 624 python-peak.rules
 625 python-peak.util
 626 python-phoneutils
 627 python-pipeline
 628 python-plwm
 629 python-popcon
 630 python-poppler
 631 python-prctl
 632 python-prowlpy
 633 python-ptrace
 634 python-pyaudio
 635 python-pybabel
 636 python-pychart
 637 python-pyglew
 638 python-pygraphviz
 639 python-pypm
 640 python-pyproj
 641 python-pysnmp2
 642 python-pysnmp4
 643 python-pysnmp4-apps
 644 python-pysnmp4-mibs
 645 python-pytyrant
 646 python-qrencode
 647 python-qt3
 648 python-rackspace-cloudfiles
 649 python-rackspace-cloudservers
 650 python-repoze.sphinx.autointerface
 651 python-repoze.tm2
 652 python-repoze.what
 653 python-repoze.what-plugins
 654 python-repoze.who
 655 python-repoze.who-plugins
 656 python-setproctitle
 657 python-sfml
 658 python-simplemediawiki
 659 python-simpy
 660 python-smbpasswd
 661 python-snpp
 662 python-soappy
 663 python-sponge
 664 python-spread
 665 python-sptest
 666 python-stompy
 667 python-tgext.admin
 668 python-toscawidgets
 669 python-tracing
 670 python-trml2pdf
 671 python-txosc
 672 python-ucltip
 673 python-unac
 674 python-utmp
 675 python-webflash
 676 python-weblib
 677 python-webunit
 678 python-whisper
 679 python-wordaxe
 680 python-x2go
 681 python-xattr
 682 python-xmlrunner
 683 python-yenc
 684 pythonmagick
 685 pythontracer
 686 pytone
 687 pytracer
 688 pyusb
 689 pyvtk
 690 pywapi
 691 pywebdav
 692 pyxid
 693 pyxine
 694 pyxmpp
 695 pyzor
 696 qct
 697 quixote
 698 quixote1
 699 quodlibet
 700 quodlibet-plugins
 701 rabbyt
 702 radare
 703 radiotray
 704 rainbow
 705 ranger
 706 rdiff-backup
 707 rebuildd
 708 redshift
 709 regina-normal
 710 reinteract
 711 relational
 712 relatorio
 713 remctl
 714 renpy
 715 reverend
 716 roundup
 717 rpl
 718 rtai
 719 sadms
 720 sbackup
 721 scapy
 722 scenic
 723 scidavis
 724 scikit-learn
 725 scim-python
 726 sciscipy
 727 scitools
 728 shogun
 729 simplegeneric
 730 simpleparse
 731 singularity
 732 sinntp
 733 snimpy
 734 solfege
 735 sonata
 736 songwrite
 737 soya
 738 sparql-wrapper-python
 739 spectacle
 740 sphinxbase
 741 sprox
 742 sqlmap
 743 startupmanager
 744 streamtuner
 745 suds
 746 supervisor
 747 swaml
 748 swap-cwm
 749 swift
 750 swiginac
 751 swordfish
 752 syncropated
 753 synopsis
 754 syslog-summary
 755 system-config-date
 756 tagpy
 757 tahoe-lafs
 758 tailor
 759 templayer
 760 tessa
 761 testdrive
 762 tftpy
 763 tg.devtools
 764 tgmochikit
 765 thuban
 766 tictactoe-ng
 767 tilestache
 768 tinyeartrainer
 769 tofu
 770 tomoe
 771 tor-arm
 772 trac-accountmanager
 773 trac-authopenid
 774 trac-bitten
 775 trac-bzr
 776 trac-customfieldadmin
 777 trac-ja-resource
 778 trac-mastertickets
 779 trac-privateticketsplugin
 780 trac-tags
 781 trac-wikiprint
 782 trac-wikirename
 783 trac-wysiwyg
 784 trac-xmlrpc
 785 trash-cli
 786 trimage
 787 tritium
 788 tryton-client
 789 tryton-modules-account
 790 tryton-modules-account-be
 791 tryton-modules-account-de-skr03
 792 tryton-modules-account-invoice
 793 tryton-modules-account-invoice-history
 794 tryton-modules-account-invoice-line-standalone
 795 tryton-modules-account-product
 796 tryton-modules-account-statement
 797 tryton-modules-analytic-account
 798 tryton-modules-analytic-invoice
 799 tryton-modules-analytic-purchase
 800 tryton-modules-analytic-sale
 801 tryton-modules-calendar
 802 tryton-modules-calendar-classification
 803 tryton-modules-calendar-scheduling
 804 tryton-modules-calendar-todo
 805 tryton-modules-company
 806 tryton-modules-company-work-time
 807 tryton-modules-country
 808 tryton-modules-currency
 809 tryton-modules-dashboard
 810 tryton-modules-google-maps
 811 tryton-modules-ldap-authentication
 812 tryton-modules-ldap-connection
 813 tryton-modules-party
 814 tryton-modules-party-siret
 815 tryton-modules-party-vcarddav
 816 tryton-modules-product
 817 tryton-modules-product-cost-fifo
 818 tryton-modules-product-cost-history
 819 tryton-modules-product-price-list
 820 tryton-modules-project
 821 tryton-modules-project-plan
 822 tryton-modules-project-revenue
 823 tryton-modules-purchase
 824 tryton-modules-purchase-invoice-line-standalone
 825 tryton-modules-sale
 826 tryton-modules-sale-opportunity
 827 tryton-modules-sale-price-list
 828 tryton-modules-stock
 829 tryton-modules-stock-forecast
 830 tryton-modules-stock-inventory-location
 831 tryton-modules-stock-location-sequence
 832 tryton-modules-stock-product-location
 833 tryton-modules-stock-supply
 834 tryton-modules-stock-supply-day
 835 tryton-modules-timesheet
 836 tryton-neso
 837 tryton-proteus
 838 tryton-server
 839 tunapie
 840 turbogears
 841 turbogears2
 842 turbokid
 843 turbomail
 844 turtleart
 845 twill
 846 twms
 847 twyt
 848 txaws
 849 ubuntuone-couch
 850 ubuntuone-file-storage-api
 851 unbound
 852 uncertainties
 853 urwid
 854 utf8-migration-tool
 855 uzbl
 856 vatnumber
 857 viewmol
 858 vim-latexsuite
 859 vinetto
 860 vtk
 861 w3af
 862 web2py
 863 weborf
 864 wesnoth-1.8
 865 wiican
 866 wireshark
 867 woof
 868 wsjt
 869 wtforms
 870 wxglade
 871 xdiagnose
 872 xen
 873 xmldiff
 874 xmms2
 875 xpilot-ng
 876 xpn
 877 xpyb
 878 xulrunner-1.9.2
 879 xxdiff
 880 yade
 881 yagtd
 882 yappy
 883 yum-metadata-parser
 884 zbar
 885 zeroc-ice
 886 zfec
 887 zhone
 888 zhpy
 889 zim
 890 zinnia
 891 zookeeper
 892 zorp

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  • [get | view] (2011-06-09 18:02:57, 10.4 KB) [[attachment:oneiric-pysupport.txt]]
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