
Revision 40 as of 2014-01-13 04:36:43

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About Me

My name is Billy D. Quinn, I am a Telecom IT professional and have worked in various telecom domains in the fields of building networks and fault isolation to restoration of all related circuitry, billing and Revenue analysis. I have experience in application Development, and utilization of Databases in CUDIX, UNIX, DEX, NEC, NEAX and IBM based system Administrations, in a wide variety of networking protocols and systems. I am an advocate of the open source movement in general and a staunch supporter of ubuntu in particular. I always seek a means to apply a computer and my skills to any situation and application !

I am now retired and living in the backwoods of Arkansas; sadly I have forgotten more than I will ever use .

My introduction to 'buntu was from that of a friend - grousing about Windows -. He showed me (K)ubuntu, I was sold ! I soon discovered (U)buntu and made the switch (sure did miss Kate) and in my efforts of exploration I discovered "". After a period of reading and learning from the forum - I found that in reading others request - hey I know that situation ! I can offer my aid. Since those early days it is a rarity that I do not have at least 3 knotty threads active at any given time, as well as numerous "quickies".

I sit down before this keyboard and each day I ask, what can I learn today.

Contact Information



Bashing-om on



<christalive0 AT gmail DOT com>


  • Ubuntu Aggressive prosecution of help request on ubuntu forums;

    Ubuntu I have been known to offer assistance on Launchpad answers;

    Ubuntu I am active on #ubuntu @

    Ubuntu Active participant in the founding of NewDocs, continuing interest in it's development.

    Ubuntu Active participant in the Unanswered Post team.

My goals are to increase my knowledge of the ubuntu operating system, and to share these skills.

Future Goals

Time allowing from my primary focus, perhaps engage in development testing. As I learn more of ubuntu's support structures, my ambitions are subject to change. I offer my abilities to foster ubuntu in any manner I can.


Note: This section is for people who aren't Ubuntu members to cheer or comments that aren't testimonials from existing members. I welcome any criticism as that too only makes me better. Constructive criticism is more welcome.


I have observed how that Bashing-om if he does not come up with an immediate answer leaves no stone unturned in his quest to search out possible solutions to user's questions in the forums. His knowledge is vast and his sense of humour is very appealing. He has contributed subtantially to NewDocs and his regular words of encouragement are very much appreciated.

Buntu Bunny

I have gotten to know Bashing-om through the Ubuntu Forums. I am always heartened by his positive and helpful attitude. He's hung in there with me when I've struggled to resolve problems, and I have benefited from his help more than once. He has been a great asset to NewDocs, particularly during its formation stages. He helped make it what it is today.


Note: This section is for existing Ubuntu members to leave testimonials. People who aren't Ubuntu members can leave a comment above in favor of the application.

If you know me and have something nice to say - or other wise -, please leave a comment here.


Bashing-om is a constant and significant contributor to Ubuntu Forums, and his insights and advice have helped many users with the problems that they have been having.


Bashing-om has shown a consistently great attitude, remarkable patience and an endless willingness to go the extra mile to help others solve problems. It's a pleasure to watch him work -- and be inspired.