Basic Calling

Revision 8 as of 2015-09-11 17:56:00

Clear message

Basic Calling Tests

1. Outgoing Call - Unanswered


This test case verifies that we can dial a number, that a call object is created with a status of alerting, and that we can drop the call before it is accepted by the called party.


  • dial-number [modem] <number>

  • list-calls
    • Check that call <modem>/voicecall01 appears, with state either dialing or alerting and that LineIdentification equals <number>. Check that when on dialing state the called phone does not ring yet, and that when the state is alerting the called phone rings.

  • hangup-call <modem>/voicecall01

    • Verify that the called phone stops ringing.
  • list-calls
    • Verify that no call exists.

2. Outgoing Call - Dropped


This test case verifies that an outgoing call can be initiated, that a call object is created with a status of alerting, and that we detect if the other party does not accept the call.


  • dial-number [modem] <number>

  • list-calls
    • Check that call <modem>/voicecall01 appears, with state either dialing or alerting and that LineIdentification equals <number>. Check that when on dialing state the called phone does not ring yet, and that when the state is alerting the called phone rings.

  • Hangup the call in the called party.
  • list-calls
    • Verify that no call exists.

The steps for this test don't really match the described purpose which indicates that the other party does not accept the call. The steps to reproduce state the the called party is hangs up the call. I'll also note that actually declining a call without answering first only works if voicemail call forwarding is not configured. - awe


  • Outgoing calls
    • with CallerID disabled ( this usually can be done by adding *67 to the beginning of the called phone number )

  • Incoming calls
    • with CallerID disabled
  • Remote Hangup ( these usually take 25-30s to end the call )