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IRC Question and Answer Session
topic: sudo and root
date: 17th January 2009
time: start 1800 UTC end ???
location: IRC - #ubuntu-classroom on freenode.net

IconsPage/32pixel/32linuxhw.png IconsPage/32pixel/32books.png IconsPage/32pixel/32term.png An Introduction to the Concept of Root and Sudo

Understanding the usage of sudo not only gives the new Linux user a powerful tool to work with the system, but also teaches him/her one of the essential concepts of Ubuntu.

The concept of Sudo and Root is linked with such themes like "Terminal Usage", "Terminal Commands" or "Linux Permissions".

During the course the ubuntu beginner will lose the fear of the terminal and learn how to operate with sudo and when better not to act as root.

Schedule :

  • Introduction
  • Differences between sudo and root account
  • Advantages/Disadvantages
  • Usage and Examples
  • Question Round


(note: will be posted after the event)